Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CM6K ?

Author: Paul

Date: 12:23:05 03/28/00

Go up one level in this thread

On March 27, 2000 at 12:37:43, James T. Walker wrote:

>If that's your best attempt at help then thanks.  It's obvious that I'm aware of
>the patch and the need to refresh every 2 weeks or so.  Simply being aware of
>the need is not enough, at least not on my system.  Simply installing the CD
>when it's called for only allows the one time use and does not "refresh" for
>another couple weeks.  I rember that "Komputer Korner" posted a procedure which
>worked but since I have not performed the proceduer in several months I don't
>rember it anymore.  I can uninstall the program and then re-install it and then
>do the patch again and that "refreshes" it but is a big hassle.  I wanted to
>know if anyone rembered the refresh procedure and would pass it along.  I can't
>believe I'm the only one using CM6K now.
>Jim Walker

Hi Jim,

the only message of Komputer Korner I found in the archives about this was
message number 37863, quote :

On December 30, 1998 at 03:32:35, Komputer Korner wrote:
>On December 30, 1998 at 03:14:59, Bernard Nahrmann wrote:

>>On my PC is CM6000 1.0.1. After installing the 1.0.2 Patch (without any error !)
>>I looked in Patch.err  and saw, that many files weren#t changed (all tutorials,
>>cm6000.exe and so on), because the patch couldn#t find the correct version of
>>the files. A lot of files  are changed (.dll#s). After deinstalling and
>>installing CM6000 the same errors occured. CM6000 says, that it is version 1.0.1
>>and I must insert CD 1 by every start of CM6000. What to do ?

>The CDROM fiasco is well known and unsolveable for now unless this works.
>Install the patch, start CM6k, it will ask for the CD -  shut it down.
> Re-insert the CD so it will autoplay - and  shut it down before it attempts to
> Remove the CD and start CM6k. It might not ask  for the CD.

Hope this helps,

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