Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Rebel 12.0e questions

Author: Dan Ellwein

Date: 07:29:04 04/13/00

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On April 12, 2000 at 22:54:44, Christophe Theron wrote:

>On April 12, 2000 at 14:35:50, Dan Ellwein wrote:
>>On April 12, 2000 at 12:35:45, Joachim Denzler wrote:
>>>I recently bought Rebel Tiger 12.0e and have two questions,
>>>which might be answered in this forum:
>>>1. What does change for Tiger if the two values
>>>MSEL and NSEW are set to one (as mentioned at the
>>>rebel homepage "awake a stronger Tiger"). Is is
>>>useful to activate these options in any case, or is
>>>there an influence of the time control/HW power on
>>>the effect of these options?
>>from what i understand...
>>setting MorSel=1 and NSEW=1 increases the number of nodes that Tiger looks at
>>per second (nps)
>Not exactly, Dan. The nps stays unchanged, but Tiger does more agressive
>pruning, so it manages to get at the same depth significantly faster. That means
>generally finding the right move faster, and sometimes being able to go 1 ply
>deeper in the same time.
>The risk involved (overlooking a good move deep in the tree) is far overweighted
>by the significant "speed" improvement (but we are not speaking about nps here).
ahh... thanks Christophe for clearing that up for me...

you've done a good job with Rebel-Tiger...

 - the pilgrim

>    Christophe
>>>2. Should I see "Tiger thinking" during the players move,
>>>as it could be set in the ChessPartner GUI? Or is this
>>>just an option, which cannot be actived for Tiger?
>>displaying "Tiger thinking" during the players move is a matter of preference, i
>>would suspect...
>>the main thing to look for is under "Extras" then "Options" make sure "Permanent
>>Brain" is checked and "Analyze" is not checked...
>>for strongest play...
>>i hope this helps...
>>>Thanks for any comments and answers!

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