Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CB sponsors entry of _four_ programs to WMCCC 2000!?

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 08:15:20 08/11/00

Go up one level in this thread

On August 10, 2000 at 13:45:11, J. Wesley Cleveland wrote:

>On August 09, 2000 at 09:48:21, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>Two things have helped to offset the non-improving memory speed:  cache and
>>wider bus transfers.  Some memory technologies (IE SDRAM) is no faster on
>>random access than its predecessor, but if you read a big chunk of memory,
>>all of the 8-byte reads (except for the first) are faster.  As there is some
>>internal buffering going on that helps for large transfers.  But that raw
>>latency is still there.
>I wonder if it would make crafty faster to reorganize the hash table into 48
>byte chunks, and read all three entries at once.

This is on my to-do list...  reading 32 bytes would be optimal, but it is
advantageous to have one table twice as big as the other so that up to 3/4 of
memory can be used.  But at present it requires two cache line fills for the
two probes (when two are needed of course), where using a 'bucket' would reduce
this to 1 (or to maintain the present 1:2 size ratio of the two tables) this
would become 1.5, which is not as good as 1.

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