Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: How many possible moves in one position?

Author: Don Dailey

Date: 15:44:13 12/08/97

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On December 08, 1997 at 17:10:06, Machiel de Heer wrote:

>On December 07, 1997 at 22:20:22, Don Dailey wrote:
>>>>Could you tell me what is the maximum number of legal moves in a
>>>>chess game position?
>>>>A) In theory?
>>>>B) In practice?
>>>3r2k1/1p3ppp/p4P2/P3r3/1P3nPP/5RQ1/2q5/R6K b - -    ; 65 legal moves.
>>>>Q6Q/4Q3/1Q6/5Q2/2Q5/R5Q1/3Q2NN/1R3KBk w - -    ; 195 moves.
>>Here is an 82 move one found in the search from a normal position:
>> 1r1Q3r/5k1p/B3b1N1/2p1QN2/4p3/8/1PP3KP/R3R3 w - -  ; 82 legal moves
>>But I noticed there were 2 queens on the board.  White had 2 queens,
>>2 mobile rooks a mobile bishop and even the king had 7 sqaures it
>>could move to.  Both knights were pretty mobile and there were 3 pawns
>>each on the board.  The position looked natural, not like a
>>Since a lot of pieces were close to maximum mobility it would be hard
>>for me to believe a 100 move position even exists with only 1 queen on
>>the board.
>>If each piece had maximum mobility and no multiple pieces were allowed
>>unless they existed from the opening position:
>>27  queen
>> 8  knight
>> 8  knight
>>13  bishop
>>13  bishop
>>14  rook
>>14  rook
>> 8  king
>>105 moves.
>>The pawns could add moves but it's hard to believe they
>>would not interfere with the range of other pieces.  Also it's hard
>>to believe the pieces themselves would not interfere with each other.
>>I believe it will be truly difficult if not impossible to find a
>>with 100 legal moves possible assuming only up to 1 queen and 2 of
>>else.  With multiple queens we see it's quite possible to exceed 200
>>-- Don
>Hi Don,
>I've played a bit with the "1 queen, 2 of everything else"-problem
>(pawns excluded). Initially i could only get to 99, but:
>4k3/8/4N3/4B3/2N1B1K1/1R7/5Q2/3R4 w - -   ; 100 legal moves
>Hope i didn't miscount. My program wouldn't accept it.
>Seems to be the maximum, since the Queen + 2 Bishops can only get to 49
>(out of a possible 53), after which there isn't enough space left for
>the knights (giving up one square). Can't prove it though :-)
>-- Machiel

Hi Machiel,

I count 100 legal moves too.  I assumed you meant /1R6/ instead of /1R7/
in your fen position.

I'm surprised you got up to 100!  Good job!  Perhaps a move or two
extra can be squeezed?   Did you try maximizing the queens mobility?

By the way, why no pawns?  I was not excluding pawns in my definition.
I see that a few pawns could be added to bump this up a few moves.


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