Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: new paradigm is not about solving cross-word-puzzles...

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 19:18:13 11/06/00

Go up one level in this thread

On November 06, 2000 at 16:43:26, Christophe Theron wrote:

>On November 06, 2000 at 13:17:34, Bruce Moreland wrote:
>>On November 06, 2000 at 11:59:49, Christophe Theron wrote:
>>>Tiger uses several different pruning mechanisms (some are well-known, some are
>>>more obscure) in combination with each other. Usually when you do that you
>>>weaken your program. Part of my work has been to teach these pruning algorithms
>>>how to live together without burning the house.
>>>In the past 5 years I have worked 80% of the time on search, and I believe I
>>>have "invented" several interesting pruning mechanisms. I'm pretty sure however
>>>that other programmers have "invented" them as well, but maybe nobody else
>>>managed to have all of them working together?
>>I think you are probably on the right track with this.
>>>I do a little of root processing for obvious things. But most of my evaluation
>>>is done in the leaves. For example, king attack evaluation is done in every
>>>My make/unmake routines update evaluation terms incrementally instead of
>>>computing everything from scratch at each node. It is much more difficult to
>>>work like this, because your make/unmake routines become pretty complex.
>>>Just one example: evaluation of "rooks on open files". The term is re-evaluated
>>>if the program sees that the move:
>>>* moves a rook
>>>* moves a pawn on another file
>>>* captures a rook
>>>* captures a pawn
>>>So you can imagine what a mess it is when you add 20 or 30 additional terms...
>>>But it works. This is also why bitboards would not help me much.
>>I tried a simple form of this recently.  If you hash pawn structures you can get
>>that information pretty quickly, so it is easy to write an incremental evaluator
>>if you evaluate pieces only via their location and relationship with pawns.
>I indeed store specific informations designed to speed up the evaluation update
>in my Pawn hash table.
>With the "rook on open file" example, the evaluation of the term is just playing
>with some bit fields set up in the pawn structure evaluation, it's not very
>>that kind of eval is very simple and misses a lot of nuances.  For instance,
>>rook on the 7th should be more potent based upon the location of the enemy king.
>> It sounds like you are talking about something more complex.
>Yes. The terms I update in make/unmake are second order terms.
>>I've thought about building some sort of dependency tree but I couldn't figure
>>out a fast and manageable way to implement this.  That would be really cool if
>>it could be done, because you could add terms, hook up a few wires, and the
>>program could manage the whole thing itself.
>I did not design the whole thing right from the start. It started as a very
>simple evaluation in which I added terms little by little, trying to insert new
>bits of code as elegantly as possible into the existing structure.
>I did not like the idea to have my eval code and make/unmake code interleaved at
>first, but it turned out to be the only way to do it efficiently. Make/unmake
>handles information that can be directly used to update the evaluation, it does
>not make sense to have a separate update eval code retrieving those informations
>once make/unmake has been executed.
>>As of now mine is a tip evaluator, it just goes through the piece lists and does
>>it, mostly.  Some stuff is kept incrementally but it's not important stuff.
>>>I almost don't use lazy eval. Obviously, it would not be work with Gambit
>>>Tiger's huge positional evaluation of king safety.
>>I did have working lazy eval until recently.  I had some big-term unavoidable
>>stuff I did at the beginning, but some other stuff was pretty expensive but
>>couldn't produce really big terms.  So if I knew that I was out of the window,
>>and the rest of the eval couldn't get me back within it, I could prune out some
>>pretty expensive stuff.
>>As of now I'm doing king safety last, so that does sort of throw the lazy eval
>>idea out.
>Above a given level, lazy eval prevents you to improve your program. Lazy eval
>is a poisoned gift.
>And maybe the reason why most programmers don't want to or even cannot give huge
>values to some positional terms.

This is simply _wrong_.  Lazy eval can work no matter what you do with large
positional scores, _if_ you do it right.  I have positional scores that go
way over a queen.  I have no problems with lazy eval at all.  You just arrange
the scoring code to do the big items first.  Then, as you refine the eval, you
can lazy-out along the way...

Everybody has used this forever.  It might take a bit of work, but I don't
see it being any different than using alpha/beta, _if_ it is done right.

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