Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Pawn Transposition Table

Author: Dan Homan

Date: 11:23:02 01/12/98

Go up one level in this thread

This discussion has made me wonder if my pawn hash table is
really effective.  If it is not, I probably have a bug either
in my understanding or in my implementation.  To check, I
thought I would output the search results from my program on
WAC 003.

Some notes first:
  hash table size:            262144 entries, 6291456 bytes
  pawn hash table size:        65536 entries, 1048576 bytes

My pawn hash table also uses the position of the king
(as well as the pawns) to compute the pawn hash code.

Test Position: WAC 003

8 |   |   |   |   |   | *R| *K|   |    White to move
7 |   | *P| *P| *B|   |   |   | *P|    castle: -
6 | *P|   | *P| *B|   |   |   |   |
5 |   |   |   |   |   |   | *Q|   |
4 |   |   |   | P |   | *P|   | *R|    fifty: 0
3 |   |   | P |   | R |   |   | P |
2 | P | P |   | B | Q |   | P |   |
1 |   |   |   |   |   | R | K | N |
    a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

White to Move  Book Move: Rg3;

Press 's' to search, 'n' for the next position, 'q' to exit: s
Please enter a search time (in seconds): 30
  3.    154     0     1300   e3g3 g5g3 h1g3
  4.    313     0     5297   e3g3 d7g4 g3g4
  5.    313     0    10408   e3g3 d7g4 g3g4
  6.    313     2    53982   e3g3 d7g4 g3g4
  7.    313     5   174534   e3g3 d7g4 g3g4
  8.    313    20   735301   e3g3 d7g4 g3g4 h4g4 e2e6 g8h8
                              h3g4 g5f6 f1e1 f4f3

node_count = 885911 quiescent nodes = 82048 eval_count = 183571
hash hits = 74864 hash moves = 9095 pawn hash hits = 173696
node_rate = 36912 null cutoffs = 167276 extensions = 15099

Searched Move: Re3-g3       Book Move: Rg3

So my pawn hash is 95% effective.  This is an average to good
position.  In positions where the king can move a lot, the
percentage can be as low as 80%.  Is hashing in the king
position a good idea?  I do it to keep avoid having to
recalculate some king safety infomation.

(Note: Quiescent nodes seems low because I don't count the
       entry into the quiescent search as a quiescent node.
       Such a node (usually at depth = 0) is counted as a
       full width node only. )

 - Dan

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