Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ECM errata (201 thru 300)

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 17:31:37 01/22/98

Go up one level in this thread

On January 22, 1998 at 18:51:06, Amir Ban wrote:

>No. 237 (Bf2+):
>Junior's recommendation for black here is to resign. Bf2+ seems like a
>particularly bad move. Anyone can say what the point is here ?
>Recommend: Throw it out.

Fen is 3rr1k1/1b5p/p6p/1p3N2/6Pb/P1Q1p3/1PP4P/R5K1 b - - 0 1

One of us must have the wrong FEN, because this is +5 at ply 2 or so.

Mine would prefer to play Rd1+ and throw away a rook first, which seems
to win faster, but Bf2+, with the idea of throwing away a rook on the
next move (which can be declined), seems to work too.

>No. 271 (Nxc6):
>Qd8 is the right move here (score = 1235). White threatens mate in 2 and
>picks up a queen and a few other pieces.
>Recommend: Change key to Qd8.

Qd8 is mate in 10, apparently.  I can't find a mate if Nxc6.

>No. 277 (Rh8+):
>I find Qg6 for a +1 score. Rh8+ may well win but I don't see how.
>Recommend: Investigation necessary.

1. Rh8+ Kxh8 2. Qh5+ Kg8 3. Qe8+ and stuff starts to fall of the board.
I don't know how long it would take mine to find this, I forced the
first two plies.

>No. 287 (Qb5+):
>Looking at the position, the assignment "white wins" seems impossible. I
>only see that Qb5+ draws, and so does Rc8+.
>Recommend: Investigation necessary.

In position 237, I have an underpromotion in my PV, same here, so if you
have the right FEN for 237, this might be the problem.  I get Qb5+
+2.12, but maybe it'd drop if I let it run longer (ran about a minute).

>No. 291 (Rxb2):
>This one may be correct, but I can't find a win.
>Recommend: Investigation necessary.

I am running out of time, so I couldn't let mine search this from the
root.  I don't know how long it would take mine to find it, but the win
would be with:

1. ... Rb2 2. Kxb2 Ba3+ 3. Kxa3 Rb8 and watch white thrash.


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