Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Nolot #9

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 21:09:00 01/22/01

Go up one level in this thread

On January 22, 2001 at 20:01:22, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>[D]r4r1k/4bppb/2n1p2p/p1n1P3/1p1p1BNP/3P1NP1/qP2QPB1/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
>After a trillion nodes (19 plies) my program can't solve this.
>It wants to play Nxh6 with a dubious +1 score (up an exchange for a pawn, and
>probably losing a pawn), but it can't find the key, which is Ng5.
>If this is solvable, it is much harder than many of the others.


Here is the published Deep Thought answer:

9 ;r4;r1;k/4;b;p;p;b/2;n1;p2;p/;p1;n1p3/1;p1;p1bnp/3p1np1/;qp2qpb1/2rr2k1/40

White to move

8  R * - * - R - K
7  * - * - B P P B
6  - * N * P * - P
5  P - N - p - * -
4  - P - P - b n p
3  * - * p * n p -
2  Q p - * q p b *
1  * - r r * - k -

   a b c d e f g h

Source: unknown.

After 9 minutes, it played 1. Nf6, expecting 1. ... Rfc8 2. Nh7 Kh7 3. Ra1 ...
The score was slightly nagative for white.  On longer searches, it went up
to half a pawn and creeping up.

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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