Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Nolot #9

Author: Vincent Diepeveen

Date: 14:48:45 01/23/01

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On January 22, 2001 at 20:01:22, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>[D]r4r1k/4bppb/2n1p2p/p1n1P3/1p1p1BNP/3P1NP1/qP2QPB1/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
>After a trillion nodes (19 plies) my program can't solve this.
>It wants to play Nxh6 with a dubious +1 score (up an exchange for a pawn, and
>probably losing a pawn), but it can't find the key, which is Ng5.
>If this is solvable, it is much harder than many of the others.

Diep never solved it so far. Very important for this position
is extending on mate thread which the current diep version is
not always doing.

For sure white must give up 2 pieces first before he has any chance
of mating black. after ng5 real soon nf6 sacrafice has to follow.

After some moves done i get very soon a reasonable score for Ng5 like
-0.30 or something.

However in the root position after some time diep says white wins with
Rxc5 and not Ng5 and every ply score goes up for Rc5 from -0.0x to +1.xx
after a few tens of minutes, so diep will most likely go for Rxc5 for
a long period of time.

Definitely Ng5 is winning, not a hair on my head is doubting that.
This problem IS a tactical shot for sure, but a very deep one...

What time do you need for #8 Bruce?
Diep nowadays is lucky with extensions and finds it
after 2 and a half minute with a 2.xx score.


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