Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: SEE and possible EXChess bug

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 11:03:45 04/01/01

Go up one level in this thread

On April 01, 2001 at 10:29:42, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

>If you look at this code you see the program keeps exchanging off
>attackers untill one side is exhausted. New best values are remembered
>if the side that was originally to move can stand pat either after
>a recapture by the opponent, or after a capture when we know the
>opponent has no more recaptures.
>I think this will cause problems when, for example, a bishop and a
>pawn are attacking a pawn defended by a queen.

I will look at the code later, but for now:

You have to allow stand-pat at any point where it makes sense.  Chess is not
checkers.  BxR NxB QxN NxQ is +2, because the third capture won't be made in
reality.  You'd call QxP PxQ a loser, but you might play the PxP PxP part of PxP
PxP QxP PxQ, so if you are trying to identify swapping captures, you have to
deal with that case, too.


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