Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The Fritz5 discussion

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 08:52:44 04/10/98

Go up one level in this thread

On April 10, 1998 at 04:56:26, Mats Winther wrote:
>I also stated that most other programs
>are more fun to play against. How can anybody think differently
>having played against the other top programs?

Hm. You can have ANY opinion if you request for OPINIONS about
chess-programs, Mats.

>Or do grown up adults
>fall in love with a chess program and cannot stand it being critizised?

They claim not to feel but to be objective referring to their EVIDENCE.
So for THEM it is no love-affair but FACTS and TRUTH and your staments
are a contradiction to theirs. They explain your different results with

1.he has only played a few games.
2. they cannot reproduce them
as a result of 1+2 they claim you are stupid, biased or cheated.

I can understand your statements and your results. But they will call
a dreamer or prejudiced against Fritz5 and biased against it as they
call my opinion the same way.

So - welcome in the club.

>I was invited to a Fritz5 discussion by e-mail and I did not expect
>cry-babies to be around. Let us have a serious discussion between

How. Their first sentence is:
Before you open your mouth PRESENT your data. And if it is not huge and
speaks for you, you are a liar or shallow.
They are crazy.
They believe in Facts instead of believing in life.

>The thing is that Fritz5 plays completely horrible chess in both
>these instances.

They don't replay the games. I believe most of them do not understand
the rules of chess (to exaggerate a little :-)) The game itself is not
important for their points Mats, it is the RESULT. The outcome.
They are believers. And their God is FACTS / EVIDENCE / "TRUTH".
They have founded a religion that is called science. And they really
believe counting numbers could explain them anything about how the world
Or why fritz is number one.
They will say your games are exceptions. Or:
It doesn't matter how fritz plays. If it wins it is the strongest.
Very convincing, isn't it :-)))

>I know that the hash size is too small for Fritz
>but a human with 2560 would never play like this. Such bad play
>should not occur with a top program even with small hash. Or does
>Fritz5 play badly only with this hardware configuration? I am
>bewildered since so many get different results.
>Mats Winther

Of course your machine is the reason. Or your hash. Or the not usage of
the powerbook. or that you don't like fritz. Or the weather. What about
the weather in your country ? Are you tired. This all influences Fritz
heavily. :-)))

And : the most important fact: you did not use the ChessBaseAutoplayer.
This is the most important problem.
ONLY if you use the CB-Autoplayer you can produce these games.
But this Autoplayer is so secret, so secret, and although they are
scientists and don't know about the device, they believe anything.
The chrilly donninger auto232-autoplayer-device was open, it works for
dos and for win-programs. This device is accepted by all programmers.
All use it.
It has worked for all programs and no programmer thought it betrays .
But chessBase is too stupid to implement this autoplayer.
Or they wanted to produce their own device. WHY ?
If all others accept the auto232 device as a non "doped" device, why
does CB germany invents the wheel again ? What could be the intention ?
And suddenly, simsalabim, fritz is number one. And the devive is kept
secret. WHy ? All other programs use the auto232 devive and COMPETE. All
others fight fair and with open cards. But ChessBase sends a special
device to sweden.
And simsalabim, the swedish guys accept this as if they are employees of

And still all the "scientists" do really believe their is no trick ???

Because nobody has ever shown evidence that there is a betrayal ?
Pah - the point is not if chessBase cheats or not.
The point is that using this special CHESSBASE device for autoplaying is
an exception. And that this advantages ChessBase, as the autoplayer is
kept secret.

The whole thing stinks.
I see only 3 possible solutions:

1.All CB-Autoplayer games are not counted. They are garbage and have to
be thrown out of the statistics. Than ChessBase implements the auto232
autoplayer and tries to compete instead of maipulating with own devices
and hidden software.

You can compete hidden, unfair. But than you have to stand the critics.
The reaction of the propaganda machines of ChessBase shows that they are
NOT standing the critics that was a reaction of them choosing their

THEY tried the manipulation. Now they get critics and do as if they were
not in charge.

2. All other programs should forbid to be tested against Fritz5.
Or the programmers should get their programs back and the sweden guys
should send all the auto232 programs back and play only with ChessBase
and their device. They could do nice matches Fritz vs. Junior or Fritz
vs. Hiarcs engine.

The list would only contain Fritz5, Hiarcs6 and Junior. But who counts

3. all other program stop suporting auto232 and send special hidden
devices to the sweden guys. This implies that from today all games
CB-Autoplayer vs. auto232-autoplayer-program is not counted anymore and
all results produces so far is thrown in the garbage.

The behaviour of ChessBase is not knew. Exactly Kasparov did the same
with founding the PCA for the same reason. Now CHESS-Base founded their
PCA-device to split the programs into PCA=CB-Autoplayer device and

Both, Kasparov and Fritz5 had a reason to split the lists, they wanted
to be number one in the lists and wanted to make profit out of the

I think BOTH are wrong. Only Fide and only auto232 is allowed from my
point of view. All the other stuff is, sorry for the word, cheating.

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