Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Xboard books

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 13:17:11 05/22/01

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On May 21, 2001 at 02:56:10, David Rasmussen wrote:

>I don't understand why xboard/winboard doesn't support books on it's own. If it
>did, no one would have to implement opening book in their engines unless they
>wanted book learning and such. And even that could be supported by xb/wb. Even
>if people didn't want to use this feature, they could just turn it off.
>Many people are reinventing opening book features all the time. And it really
>isn't as exciting as developing search or evaluation etc.

I have also suggested adding tablebase support.  This would be especially
valuable for adjudicating claimed draws.  (IOW, program A sees a tablebase draw,
and claims: Tablebase draw!  Winboard looks at the tablebase file and declares
the game drawn.  Why play it out?)

Far more than these, I would like to see a generic Winboard interface library.
That way, the horrid mess that comes from niggling little details in
implementation of Winboard/Xboard protocol would be handled in a consistent way
for all programs.  The engine writers could focus on the engine itself and not
how to deal with a mouse-click in the window space.

A formal grammar for Winboard (better yet, two grammars --> one for sending
messages to Winboard, and one for receiving messages from Winboard) would be
very nice.

I wish that Winboard could analyze an EPD position.

A feature I would like very much to see would be:
1.  Set an EPD position up
2.  Set the time control
3.  Have an engine or two engines play against itself/each-other from this

But then again, that's why we buy the commercial tools -- atomic, exploding
featuritis! {'Yes, but can it stop a herd of stampeding Yak?'  he asked the

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