Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Nolot information

Author: Vincent Diepeveen

Date: 06:19:04 08/31/01

Go up one level in this thread

On August 30, 2001 at 21:31:22, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>On August 30, 2001 at 21:09:14, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:
>>On August 30, 2001 at 16:55:45, Bruce Moreland wrote:
>>>I made a web page that has a little bit of information about the Nolot suite.
>>the comments is also written in 1994 by you?
>No, that stuff is pretty current.  I haven't tried to assault the Nolot set for
>a while, perhaps two years, but the times I quoted for the quad Xeon are still
>accurate enough.

r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - bm Nxh6; 1
1.This one seems to work, but I don't think that anyone has ever gotten a big

define what you call a big score +3.xx ?

r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - bm Rxc5;  2
2.This one is correct, but whether or not you find it could be a matter of luck.
 You might start out with a negative score, but you should get a score of +3 or
so if you search long enough.

r2qk2r/ppp1b1pp/2n1p3/3pP1n1/3P2b1/2PB1NN1/PP4PP/R1BQK2R w - - bm Nxg5; 3
3.I don't think that anyone has ever solved this one.

I have analyzed this thing very deeply and though i couldn't check whether
the combination was correct, in several lines i tried it appears that
white is completely winning because he plays with more pieces towards
the enemy king.

r1b1kb1r/1p1n1ppp/p2ppn2/6BB/2qNP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm Nxe6; 4
4.This one also seems to work, but I don't know that anyone has gotten a big

DIEP gets a big score for this one, but depending upon which extensions i
have turned on or off, this one takes quite some time.

r2qrb1k/1p1b2p1/p2ppn1p/8/3NP3/1BN5/PPP3QP/1K3RR1 w - - bm e5; 5
5.Deep Thought got > +3 in four hours.  I've gotten +5 in 93 hours.  So this one
is correct and extremely difficult.

rnbqk2r/1p3ppp/p7/1NpPp3/QPP1P1n1/P4N2/4KbPP/R1B2B1R b - - bm axb5; 6
6. I don't think that anyone has ever solved this.

Yeah i think so too, in fact i doubt its correctness, though it's clear
that black gets some play. This is the only NOLOT position i doubt to
be correct.

1r1bk2r/2R2ppp/p3p3/1b2P2q/4QP2/4N3/1B4PP/3R2K1 w - - bm Rxd8; 7
7.This one is hard but works.  I've gotten +2 in 37 hours.

r3rbk1/ppq2ppp/2b1pB2/8/6Q1/1P1B3P/P1P2PP1/R2R2K1 w - - bm Bxh7; 8
8.Hsu expresses doubt about this one, but mine returned a score of +1 after a
day.  I don't know whether the key move wins or not.

Diep finds Bxh7 with a huge score after some time. Depending upon
what i turn on for extensions it takes from 2 minutes to a few hours.

It definitely works. the problem for most is that they do dubious forward
pruning or don't extend much checks in the end. After a long while whites
trick is Rxf7 Kxf7 Qh7+ king away Qxc7 winning queen. I am sure that
most either prune that Rxf7 or don't do the Qh7 in the qsearch.

I'm pretty amazed DT2 didn't find this one, this one is IMHO made for
singular extensions, especially considering DT2 does find e5! shot.

r4r1k/4bppb/2n1p2p/p1n1P3/1p1p1BNP/3P1NP1/qP2QPB1/2RR2K1 w - - bm Ng5; 9
9.I don't think that anyone has ever found the key.

I would be amazed too, but the Ng5 move definitely wins bigtime for white,
that's what i could check. I couldn't check the smallest lines needed
to find this, so i don't know what a computer program must see to find it,
in contradiction to most nolots.

r1b2rk1/1p1nbppp/pq1p4/3B4/P2NP3/2N1p3/1PP3PP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Rxf7;
10.This one is easy.  Rxf7 should come back at +1 pretty quickly.  I don't know
if anyone has done better than this.

Raises hand, DIEP gets a huge score. It's about evaluating that pin
which is completely winning for white.

r1b3k1/p2p1nP1/2pqr1Rp/1p2p2P/2B1PnQ1/1P6/P1PP4/1K4R1 w - - bm Rxh6;
11.This one seems to be pretty easy to find, with a draw score or a score that
is a little positive or negative, depending upon the program.

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