Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ferret/Gerbil question

Author: Carlos del Cacho

Date: 15:26:14 09/21/01

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On September 21, 2001 at 16:51:05, Alvaro Jose Povoa Cardoso wrote:

>This question is for Bruce Moreland, since he is the only one who can answer (I
>Does Ferret and Gerbil share the same board representation (128 squares)?
>Thank you,
>Alvaro Cardoso

Ferret doesn't use 0x88, AFAIK.

New move Generation algoritm:

Revision: 1989-09-06

Author: Hans Eric Sandstroem.

This algortim is the result of an attempt to make an hardware move
generator, but since I newer had the time and resources to build
the hardware I wrote a software version and incorporated that one
into gnuchess. This was the best way I could think of sharing this
algorithm with the computer chess community.

If there is anybody out there with the time and rescources to build
a hardware move generator I will be glad to assist.

The general idea behind this algoritm is to pre calculate
a lot of data. The data that is pre calculated is every possible move
for every piece from every square disregarding any other pieces on the
board. This pre calculated data is stored in an array that looks like

struct sqdata {
  short nextpos;
  short nextdir;
struct sqdata posdata[8][64][64];
/* posdata[piecetype][fromsquare][destinationsquare] */
	the first move for a queen at e8 is stored at;
	suppose this is e7 and e7 is occupied then the next move
	will be found in;

To handle the differeces between white and black pawns (they move in
opposite directions) an array ptype has been introduced:

static const short ptype[2][8] = {
And it is used like this:
   piecetype = ptype[side][piece]
When generating moves for pieces that are not black pawns, piece
can be used directly in posdata. As in the example above.

Thus the only thing one has to do when generating the moves
is to check for collisions with other pieces.
the move generation to do this looks like this: (for non pawns)
    p = posdata[piece][sq];
    u = p[sq].nextpos;
    do {
      if (color[u] == neutral) {
	u = p[u].nextpos;
      else {
	if (color[u] == xside) LinkMove(ply,sq,u,xside);
	u = p[u].nextdir;
    } while (u != sq);

 - I`nt this just beautiful!

The array posdata is initialized in the routine Initialize_moves.
This routine is called just once and it works so no time has been spent
on the structure of this code. GenMoves and CaptureList generates the
moves but the routines ataks, BRscan, Sqatakd, KingScan and trapped
also relies on the move generation algoritm so they have also been

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