Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: alpha-beta is silly?

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 07:07:47 06/02/98

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On June 02, 1998 at 09:35:48, Roberto Waldteufel wrote:

>>OK. The Problem is the quiet search. I accept.
>>Has anybody tried to learn the quiet search non qiet positions, and is
>>the slow down worth?
>One thing that might be worth trying is to include promoting moves of
>pawns, possibly even moves of a pawn to the seventh rank as well. I know
>this has been implemented in some programs (eg Cray Blitz did this I
>believe - probably also Crafty, but you'll have to ask Bob). I once
>tried allowing the quiescence search to look at all moves of
>"unstoppable" passed pawns, but this proved far too expensive to be
>acceptable. It would solve your running pawn problem, though. I think it
>might be possible provided that it was only done in a very small
>proportion of positions - the trick is how to decide when "passed pawn"
>quiescence is appropriate. Just like "check quiescence", this will blow
>your search sky high if it is not accompanied by very strict conditions
>for its applicaton. Maybe something could be done along the lines of a
>smart preprocessing routine to try and determine if running pawns were
>likely to be an issue within the search depth about to be done, but this
>would be difficult to catch all cases. You could hope to weed out some
>of them, though. Just an idea to kick around, I have not implemented
>this myself, but it is on my "things to do" list.

I did it in cray blitz, but I also flagged the resulting position as
"must try all legal moves".. so that he couldn't "stand pat" and stop
forcing variation.  Also, you have to worry about plies *before* this
one as well, as if your opponent can stand pat, you can't force your
passed pawn pushes to happen...

I don't do it in crafty, however.  Instead, I try to force extensions in
the basic search, which is perfectly capable of handling this sort of
since there is no "qsearch stand-pat" problem to overcome or fake out.
the trick I did in Cray Blitz was very expensive...

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