Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Junior 7 analysis

Author: Kurt Utzinger

Date: 00:35:45 12/08/01

Go up one level in this thread

I think the White position is anyway lost and there are several ways for Black
to exploit his advantage:

Neue Stellung
[D]2kr3r/ppp2ppp/1b3nq1/4p2b/1PB1P3/2P1B3/P1QN1PPP/R4RK1 b - - 0 1

Analysis by Junior 7:

1...h6 2.Lxb6 axb6
  =  (-0.07)   Tiefe: 3   00:00:00
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Dh6 3.Tae1
  µ  (-1.03)   Tiefe: 6   00:00:00  2kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Dh6 3.Tae1
  µ  (-1.03)   Tiefe: 6   00:00:00  2kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Dh6 3.Tae1
  µ  (-1.03)   Tiefe: 6   00:00:00  2kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Dh6 3.Tae1 Sg4 4.b5 Sxe3
  µ  (-1.05)   Tiefe: 9   00:00:00  33kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Sg4 3.Tae1 Dd6 4.Sf3 Dh6 5.De2
  µ  (-0.79)   Tiefe: 12   00:00:00  571kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Sg4 3.Tfe1 Dh6 4.Sf1 c6 5.Da4 Kb8
  µ  (-0.79)   Tiefe: 15   00:00:05  5317kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Td7 3.a4 Thd8 4.Sb3 Sxe4 5.Lxf7 Txf7 6.Txf7 Dxf7 7.Dxe4 Lg6
8.Dg4+ Lf5 9.Df3
  µ  (-0.94)   Tiefe: 17   00:00:35  33112kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Td7 3.Sf3 Lxf3 4.Txf3 Thd8 5.Tg3 Dh5 6.Le2 Dh4 7.Th3 Dxe4 8.Dxe4
Sxe4 9.Txh7
  µ  (-0.76)   Tiefe: 18   00:02:08  116948kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Td7 3.Sf3 Lxf3 4.Txf3 Thd8 5.Tg3 Dh5 6.Le2 Dh6 7.Td1 Txd1+
8.Lxd1 Kb8
  µ  (-0.75)   Tiefe: 19   00:04:56  266256kN
1...Lxe3 2.fxe3 Td6 3.Sf3 Lxf3 4.Txf3 h5 5.Tg3 Dxe4 6.Dxe4 Sxe4 7.Txg7 f6 8.Tc1
  µ  (-0.71)   Tiefe: 20   00:11:34  622195kN
1...Txd2 2.Dxd2 Lf3 3.g3 Td8 4.Dc1 Sxe4 5.b5 f5 6.Lxb6 axb6 7.Te1 f4 8.Da3 Df5
  µ  (-0.77)   Tiefe: 20   00:27:17  1516114kN
  µ  (-1.07)   Tiefe: 21   00:36:54  2064949kN

(Utzinger, MyTown 08.12.2001)

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