Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Can Vincent Deepieveen Defeat Deepblue Blindfolded?

Author: Odd Gunnar Malin

Date: 11:09:57 01/13/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 13, 2002 at 13:57:31, Uri Blass wrote:

>On January 13, 2002 at 10:42:29, Miguel A. Ballicora wrote:
>>>1)using chess software for training
>>>2)taking private lessons from GM's
>>>3)playing games against chess programs every day and analyze the games in order
>>>to learn from mistakes.
>>4) Study the classics,
>>5) Play blindfolded :-) it is a terrific way of training your tactical vision.
>>6) Seriously study endgames.
>>7) play tournaments OTB,
>>8) analyze those games seriously,
>>9) choose a limited opening repertoire and study the typical middlegames
>>and endgames that derive from them.
>>1 and 3) are not that important, it is nice BUT: There is not enough time to
>>play one game a day and analyze it.

Hey, you clip an important rule here:

" Analysis should be done *without* a
computer, you might want to check it with a computer *after* you think you are

When this is applied to 8, this is the most important in all training books I
have read. When the computer part isn't said explisit it is because the author
thought this was obvious.

It is very important to get to know yourself and in what part your 'blunder' is.

Odd Gunnar

>I thought that using chess software for training may include big part of your
>suggestions and the other part can be included in the private lessons that you
>get from GM's.
>playing blindfold may be productive for some players but I do not believe that
>it is going to be productive for me because I tried to do it in the past and did
>not get a clear improvement.
>You can claim that I did not try enough but I know that
>I can get a clear improvement without doing it.
>For example doing 9 can help me
>9 is one of the things that I believe that private lessons from the right GM can
>help me to achieve and he can help me to learn the right openings when
>calculation of long lines is relatively less important.

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