Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Endgame position revisited...

Author: Scott Gasch

Date: 01:26:05 04/24/02

Go up one level in this thread

On April 23, 2002 at 12:40:09, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>1b6/8/8/7p/6k1/6P1/8/6K1 w - - 0 1

I take it you are not using EGTBs or node recognizers.  I turned off EGTB in my
engine but I cannot turn off the node recognizers... my output looks like this:

 1.   -4.91  00:00:00.01  19           PV= 1. Kf2 Bxg3+ [Q] 2. Ke3 [Q] <-4.00>
 2+   +0.00  00:00:00.02  40           Kh2!!
 2u   -4.91  00:00:00.02  58           PV= 1. Kf2 [TT: Bxg3 ...]
 2.   -4.91  00:00:00.03  69           PV= 1. Kf2 [TT: Bxg3 ...]
 3+   +0.00  00:00:00.04  148          Kh2!!
 3u   -4.91  00:00:00.04  167          PV= 1. Kf2 [TT: Bxg3 Ke3 ...]
 3.   -4.91  00:00:00.05  189          PV= 1. Kf2 [TT: Bxg3 Ke3 ...]
 4+   -3.27  00:00:00.06  364          Kf2!!
 4.   -3.75  00:00:00.07  500          PV= 1. Kf2 Kf5 2. Kf3 Be5 <-3.00>
 5+   -2.65  00:00:00.08  616          Kf2!!
 5.   -1.99  00:00:00.09  773          PV= 1. Kf2 Bf4 2. gxf4 Kxf4 3. Ke2 <-1.00
 6+   +0.00  00:00:00.10  982          Kf2!!
 6u   -2.11  00:00:00.10  1413         PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. Kf2 Kg5 3. gxf4+ Kxf4
                                        > <-1.00>
 6.   -2.11  00:00:00.12  1566         PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. Kf2 Kg5 3. gxf4+ Kxf4
                                        > <-1.00>
 7+   -0.35  00:00:00.12  1748         Kf1!!
 7.   -2.47  00:00:00.14  2943         PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. gxf4 h4 [pawn] 3.
                                        > f5 Kxf5 4. Ke2 <-1.00>
 8+   +0.00  00:00:00.15  3864         Kf1!!
 8.   -0.41  00:00:00.17  4792         PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. Kf2 Kh3 3. gxf4 Kg4
                                        > 4. Ke3 h4 [pawn] <+0.00>
 9-   -1.54  00:00:00.18  5893         **FL**
 9u   -0.37  00:00:00.21  13080        PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. Kf2 Kh3 3. gxf4 Kg4
                                        > 4. Ke3 h4 [pawn] 5. Ke4 <+0.00>
 9.   -0.37  00:00:00.22  13083        PV= 1. Kf1 Bf4 2. Kf2 Kh3 3. gxf4 Kg4
                                        > 4. Ke3 h4 [pawn] 5. Ke4 <+0.00>
10u   +0.00  00:00:00.24  14504        PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kg2 h4 [zug] 3.
                                        > Kf1 Kg5 4. Kg1 Be5 [zug] 5. Kg2
                                        > h3+ [zug] 6. Kxh3 [anti] [REC] <-3.00>
10.   +0.00  00:00:00.25  14522        PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kg2 h4 [zug] 3.
                                        > Kf1 Kg5 4. Kg1 Be5 [zug] 5. Kg2
                                        > h3+ [zug] 6. Kxh3 [anti] [REC] <-3.00>
11.   +0.00  00:00:00.27  14867        PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kg2 [sing] h4 [zug]
                                        > 3. Kf1 Kg5 4. Kg1 Be5 [zug]
                                        > 5. Kg2 h3+ [zug] 6. Kxh3 [sing]
                                        > [REC] <-3.00>
12.   +0.00  00:00:00.29  15197        PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kg2 [sing] h4 [pawn]
                                        > 3. Kf1 Kg5 4. Kg1 Be5 [zug]
                                        > 5. Kg2 h3+ [TT: Kxh3 ...]
32.   +0.00  00:00:01.44  373832       PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kh1 Kh3 3. Kg1 h4
                                        > [pawn] 4. Kh1 Kg4 5. Kg2 h3+ [+
                                        > pawn] 6. Kg1 [sing] Be5 7. Kh1
                                        > Kg3 8. Kg1 h2+ [+ pawn] 9. Kh1
                                        > [sing] Bd4 [DRAW/SM] <-4.00>
33.   +0.00  00:00:01.57  409035       PV= 1. Kh2 Bxg3+ 2. Kh1 Kh3 3. Kg1 h4
                                        > [pawn] 4. Kh1 Kg4 5. Kg2 h3+ [+
                                        > pawn] 6. Kg1 [sing] Be5 7. Kh1
                                        > Kg3 8. Kg1 h2+ [+ pawn] 9. Kh1
                                        > [sing] Bd4 [DRAW/SM] <-4.00>

Monsoon is on depth 33 in 1.5 sec with recognizers firing like crazy... and sees
the position as a draw.


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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