Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Survey proposal: Importance of Auto232 compatibility

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 14:21:34 09/10/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 10, 1998 at 16:01:16, Danniel Corbit wrote:

>On September 10, 1998 at 13:11:24, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>I agree totally.  the Auto232 standard is gross.  Completely gross.  There are
>>many better ways to accomplish this task.  First problem is that the message
>>format is rediculous, with the original auto232 interface not supporting *real*
>>chess since it didn't allow underpromotion.  Then there were the timing issues
>>that resulted in hangs when a program moved too quickly.  Cryptic move format
>>requiring a tab here, no tab there, etc...
>>None of it made any sense from a software engineering point of view.  I would
>>be more than happy to sit down with a group and work out a standard
>>communication interface that is easy to implement, easy to parse, and easy to
>>understand how it is supposed to work.
>>We ought to be able to also provide some basic software that will let this work
>>on both unix and windows boxes (IE I can do the unix part myself, and we can
>>take that to make a "auto232" library that anyone using unix can call).  I have
>>been trying to study the windows auto232 interface, but it is a nightmare,
>>still, because it uses the old auto232 message format with two levels of parsing
>>(which makes little sense). IE I send a somewhat cryptic message to the driver
>>(cryptic because of a byzantine format) that the driver then modifies and sends
>>to the other driver over the interface, which has to modify that to send it to
>>the engine, which has to modify that to interpret what the devil it means.
>>That is not necessary.  And there is *no* sense in thinking "windoze" only for
>>this interface, because it can work linux to windows, and linux to linux, as
>>well as windows to windows, if done correctly.
>>Anyone interested?  Shareware/Freeware guys want to take the lead here and do
>>this right, once and for all?
>I would suggest using ACE for communication, since it supports many protocols
>and runs on dozens of UNIX flavors and WinNT, and MVS and...
>How about something even more advanced -- a tournament server!

I'd love it, although I hope you are thinking ethernet based rather than
a rat's nest of RS232C cables running everywhere?  :)

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