Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What do programmers think about a chess algorithm??

Author: Ingo Lindam

Date: 11:34:24 12/11/02

Go up one level in this thread

On December 11, 2002 at 14:18:00, Dann Corbit wrote:

>On December 11, 2002 at 14:12:06, Ingo Lindam wrote:
>>On December 11, 2002 at 13:54:08, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>>On December 11, 2002 at 13:46:45, Ingo Lindam wrote:
>>>>On December 11, 2002 at 13:23:23, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>>>>I never said it 'has to be done with' -- only that they are equivalent and
>>>>>alternatives will not be superior.
>>>>>For that matter, the tree is nothing more than a visualization aid.  The steps
>>>>>will be the same whether or not a tree is used to visualize it.
>>>>So I understand you right that to prove that following position will end in a
>>>>draw is impossible by a giving proof less complex (smaller) than that very very
>>>>big tree of all possible continuations...???
>>>>[D] 6k1/bp1p1p1p/8/pPpPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 w - - 0 1
>>>>You are just kidding, aren't you?
>>>Of course not.  Any *proof* of the forced outcome of this game will be identical
>>>to the tree proof.
>>Hey Dann, please... :-((( !!!!
>>you are/were a math major...
>>it can't be true that you don't see it.
>>It hurts...
>>and I am really crying now...
>>You can see the position?
>>You know the chess rules?
>>What are the possible results of a chess game?
>>If white can not win the position and black can not win the position, what is
>>the only possible result?
>>What is needed to win a game?
>>YES! Mate!
>>Might there any arguments to prove that white can not mate without promoting a
>>Might there any arguments to prove that black can not mate without promoting a
>>What about strategies to defend against promoting for white/black?
>>(ofcourse you can give an equivalent to each proof within a tree, but this is
>>not the tree of all continuations!!!!)
>>So, now forget everything you believe to know about the connection between
>>trees and proofs.
>>Take you pencil...
>>take a sheet of paper...
>>sit down...
>>be a nice boy...
>>and write down the proof!!!
>>..and if you do not see it then....!!!
>>Then take as much paper as you need
>>and try to write all possible continuations
>>on the paper until you finally feel the difference in every
>>finger and you see...
>>"oh, he's right...the is indeed a tiny difference!"
>The tree proof is identical.
>What have you done?
>You looked at the list of possible moves.
>You looked at the list of possible responses.
>You continued that logically forward until you saw the outcome.
>That is what the tree proof does also.  There is no difference.  If you fail to
>do this, you do not have a proof.
>By the way, a win is possible.
>[D]6k1/bp1p1p1p/8/pPpPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 w - -
>[D]6k1/bp1p1p1p/1P6/p1pPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 b - -
>[D]5k2/bp1p1p1p/1P6/p1pPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 w - -
>[D]5k2/Pp1p1p1p/8/p1pPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 b - -
>[D]Q4k2/1p1p1p1p/8/p1pPpPpP/P1P1P1P1/8/B3K3/8 w - -
>And (may I add) "Look -- it's obiously a win!" is not a proof of any sort.

Sorry Dann,

now I am convinced that you can't be a human being. You must be a computer
programm running on hardware that is just too small and too slow to get it.

My proof is not to say "See it's obviously a draw" and I am sure it will take me
some effort to put it on a single sheet of paper in a correct way.
I am also sure that I already proved some more difficult to prove things.
And last I am sure also this proof wouldn't help you, wouldn't convince you.

Just let my know when surpisingly some day will come a light into your brain
making you understand.

Good luck!

Internette Gruesse,

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