Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Maybe a mate?

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 16:39:18 12/27/02

Go up one level in this thread

On December 27, 2002 at 17:48:52, David Rasmussen wrote:

>[D]b2r2kr/p1pqb1p1/1p5p/4p3/2P1N1P1/1P2Q3/P3P2P/4KRR1 b - - 0 1
>Is this a forced mate? Well, of course it is, it's at least a forced mate in 500
>I should think, but is there a forced mate that a program can find in any
>reasonable time (< a week) or that a human with the aid of a computer could

I believe that it is a mate in less than 20 moves
I believe that you can prove it together with a computer in less than a week.

Here is some analysis for you(part of it is not needed but I did not know it
when I started the analysis)

I did not prove mate in the line
1...Bh4+ 2.Rg3 Qd1+ 3.Kf2 Rf8+ 4.Qf3 Qd4+ 5.Kg2 Bxe4 but yace proved that
all other alternatives lead to fast mate

New position

1...Be7-h4+ 2.Rg1-g3 only move to prevent mate in 10 [2.Qe3-g3 Qd7-d1+ 3.Ke1-f2
Qd1-d4+ 4.Kf2-g2 Qd4xe4+ 5.Kg2-h3 Bh4xg3 6.Rg1xg3 -#6/12  25 ] 2...Qd7-d1+
[2...Ba8xe4 not seem the right move] 3.Ke1-f2 Rd8-f8+ 4.Qe3-f3 only move to
prevent mate in 11 [4.Ne4-f6+ Rf8xf6+ 5.Qe3-f3 Rf6xf3+ 6.e2xf3 Qd1xf3+ 7.Kf2-e1
Qf3-c3+ 8.Ke1-e2 -#7/13  30 ] 4...Qd1-d4+ 5.Kf2-e1 one of 2 alternatives to
prevent fast mate [5.Kf2-g2 Ba8xe4 need more analysis;
5.e2-e3 Rf8xf3+ 6.Kf2xf3 -#6/13  12 ] 5...Bh4xg3+ [5...Rf8xf3 force mate in 11
moves 6.e2xf3 (6.Rf1xf3 Ba8xe4 7.Ke1-f1 (7.Rf3-d3 Be4xd3 8.e2xd3 Bh4xg3+ -#6/13
1:03 ) 7...Be4xf3 8.e2xf3 Bh4xg3 9.h2xg3 -#6/11  5 ; 6...Ba8xe4 7.f3xe4 Bh4xg3+
8.Ke1-e2 -#8/14  1:04 ] 6.Ne4xg3 the only way to prevent mate in 10 [6.h2xg3
Rf8xf3 7.Rf1xf3 (7.e2xf3 Ba8xe4 8.f3xe4 -#8/15  9:38 ; 7.Ne4-f6+ g7xf6 8.e2xf3
-#6/13  1:32 ) 7...Ba8xe4 8.Ke1-f1 -#7/13  4:45 ;
6.Rf1-f2 Ba8xe4 7.e2-e3 -#5/11  7 ] 6...Ba8xf3 7.Rf1xf3 [7.e2xf3 e5-e4]
7...Qd4-g1+ 8.Ke1-d2 Rf8xf3 9.e2xf3 Line


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