Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Maybe a mate?

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 10:26:41 12/30/02

Go up one level in this thread

On December 30, 2002 at 10:55:55, Lieven Clarisse wrote:

>On December 30, 2002 at 10:50:12, Heiner Marxen wrote:
>>On December 29, 2002 at 14:36:05, Heiner Marxen wrote:
>>>On December 28, 2002 at 11:04:05, Dieter Buerssner wrote:
>>>>On December 27, 2002 at 18:12:09, Heiner Marxen wrote:
>>>>>On December 27, 2002 at 17:48:52, David Rasmussen wrote:
>>>>>>b2r2kr/p1pqb1p1/1p5p/4p3/2P1N1P1/1P2Q3/P3P2P/4KRR1 b - - 0 1
>>>>>You mean, black mates white?
>>>>>According to Chest not within 8 moves.
>>>>>I've started another run with depth=10.  We'll see.
>>>>>If you have some line you think to be the best, I could try to prove
>>>>>from there.
>>>>Perhaps Chest can prove a mate after
>>>>1...Bh4+  2. Rg3 Qd1+ 3. Kf2 Rf8+ 4. Qf3 Qd4+ 5. Kg2
>>>>(After 5. Ke1 it is mate in 10 or faster, so this should also be possible?)
>>>[D]b4rkr/p1p3p1/1p5p/4p3/2PqN1Pb/1P3QR1/P3P1KP/5R2 b - -
>>>I've started depth 10 from there.
>>>Will need 2 hours or more (hard to guess, EBF appears to be unstable).
>>After 16.2 hours (Athlon 1500+, 128 MB hash) Chest announces "mate in 10"
>>here, with Bxe4 as unique solution key.
>>I'm still waiting for PV and solution tree... the hash has been overrun
>Thx for posting, what is white answer after bxe4?

White has no good answer

The threat of black is h5 with mate in 9 and white has no defence
that does not allow another mate in at most 9 moves.

I expect pv that begins with h5 a3 but it is hard to know because
I believe that there are more than one move that does not allow black to
give mate in 8 moves.

New position
[D]5rkr/p1p3p1/1p5p/4p3/2Pqb1Pb/1P3QR1/P3P1KP/5R2 b - - 0 1

Analysis by Yace 0.99.56:

1...Be4xf3+ 2.Rg3xf3 Qd4xg4+ 3.Kg2-h1 Rf8xf3 4.Rf1xf3
  -+  (-13.92)   Depth: 1   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Qd4-f4+ 5.Kg3-g2 Rh8xh5
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 5   00:00:00  11kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Kg8-h7 5.Rf1-h1
  -+  (-15.67)   Depth: 6   00:00:00  37kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Kg8-h7 5.f4-f5 e4-e3
  -+  (-15.91)   Depth: 7   00:00:00  91kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Kg8-h7 5.f4-f5 e4-e3 6.Kg2-f3
  -+  (-15.86)   Depth: 8   00:00:00  254kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 Qd2xa2
  -+  (-16.26)   Depth: 9   00:00:01  547kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 Qd2xa2
6.Rf1-e1 Kg8-h7
  -+  (-16.44)   Depth: 9   00:00:01  547kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 e4-e3 6.g4-g5
h6xg5+ 7.Kh3-g4 g5xf4 8.Rf1xf4
  -+  (-16.84)   Depth: 10   00:00:03  1292kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.Kg2xg3 Be4xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4-g5 Qd4-d2 5.h2-h4 Qd2xa2 6.b3-b4
Qa2xc4 7.Rf1-b1
  -+  (-17.16)   Depth: 10   00:00:04  1713kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 Qd2-e2
6.Rf1-c1 Rh8-h7
  -+  (-16.76)   Depth: 11   00:00:08  3602kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 Qd2xa2
6.Rf1-e1 Qa2xb3 7.Re1xe4 Kg8-h7
  -+  (-16.55)   Depth: 11   00:00:09  4043kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.Rg3xf3 Rf8xf3 3.e2xf3 Qd4-d2+ 4.Kg2-g1 Bh4-g5 5.f3-f4 Bg5xf4
6.Rf1xf4 e5xf4 7.a2-a4
  -+  (-16.56)   Depth: 11   00:00:12  5183kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.e2xf3 Bh4xg3 3.h2xg3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h3 Qd2xa2 6.b3-b4
Qa2xc4 7.Rf1-a1 a7-a6 8.Ra1-b1
  -+  (-17.48)   Depth: 11   00:00:21  8228kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.Rg3xf3 Rf8xf3 3.e2xf3 Qd4-d2+ 4.Kg2-g1 Bh4-g5 5.f3-f4 Bg5xf4
6.Rf1-f3 Qd2-e2 7.Rf3xf4 e5xf4 8.a2-a3 Qe2-e3+ 9.Kg1-f1
  -+  (-17.59)   Depth: 12   00:00:39  16067kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.Rf1xf3 Rf8xf3 4.e2xf3 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h1 Qd2xa2
6.b3-b4 Qa2-b3 7.Kh1-g2 Qb3xb4 8.Kg2-f2 Qb4xc4 9.g4-g5
  -+  (-17.60)   Depth: 12   00:00:41  16471kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.Rf1xf3 Rf8xf3 4.e2xf3 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-g1 Qd2xa2
6.f3-f4 Qa2xb3 7.f4xe5 Qb3xg3+ 8.Kg1-h1
  -+  (-17.88)   Depth: 12   00:00:42  16823kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h1 e4-e3
  -+  (-17.88)   Depth: 12   00:00:44  17729kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 Be4xf3+ 3.e2xf3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Kg2-h1 e4-e3 6.Kh1-g1
e3-e2 7.g4-g5 e2-e1Q 8.g5xh6
  -+  (-18.28)   Depth: 13   00:01:00  24850kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 g7-g5 3.Rf1-f2 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 g5-g4 5.b3-b4 g4xf3+ 6.e2xf3
Be4xf3+ 7.Kg2-g1 Bf3xh5 8.Kg1-g2
  -+  (-19.28)   Depth: 13   00:02:21  56181kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 g7-g5 3.Kg2-h2 Be4xf3 4.e2xf3 h6-h5 5.g4xh5 Qd4-d2+ 6.Kh2-h3
Qd2-e2 7.Kh3-g4 Qe2xf1 8.Kg4xg5 Qf1xf3
  -+  (-19.51)   Depth: 13   00:02:29  58863kN
1...Bh4xg3 2.h2xg3 g7-g5 3.Rf1-f2 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Rf8xf3 5.e2xf3
  -+  (-19.90)   Depth: 14   00:06:02  145522kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.Rg3xf3 Rf8xf3 3.e2xf3 h6-h5 4.g4xh5 Rh8xh5 5.f3-f4 e5xf4 6.b3-b4
Qd4-e4+ 7.Kg2-h3 Qe4-e2 8.a2-a4
  -+  (-19.91)   Depth: 14   00:08:23  200306kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.e2xf3 Bh4xg3 3.h2xg3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Rf1-f2 e4-e3 6.Rf2xd2
e3xd2 7.b3-b4 d2-d1Q 8.c4-c5 Qd1-d2+ 9.Kg2-h3 Qd2xb4 10.c5-c6
  -+  (-20.49)   Depth: 14   00:10:37  252800kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.e2xf3 Bh4xg3 3.h2xg3 e5-e4 4.f3-f4 Qd4-d2+ 5.Rf1-f2 e4-e3 6.Rf2xd2
e3xd2 7.b3-b4 d2-d1Q 8.a2-a3 Qd1xg4 9.Kg2-f2 g7-g5 10.Kf2-e3 g5xf4+ 11.Ke3-e4
  -+  (-20.89)   Depth: 15   00:14:47  347552kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.e2xf3 h6-h5 3.g4xh5 Rf8-f5 4.f3-f4 Bh4xg3 5.Kg2xg3 Rf5xh5 6.c4-c5
Qd4-c3+ 7.Rf1-f3 Rh5-h3+ 8.Kg3-g4 Qc3xf3+ 9.Kg4-f5 e5xf4 10.a2-a3
  -+  (-21.89)   Depth: 15   00:17:56  419329kN
1...Be4xf3+ 2.Rg3xf3 Rf8xf3 3.e2xf3 Qd4-d2+ 4.Kg2-g1 Bh4-g5 5.f3-f4 Bg5xf4
6.Rf1-f3 e5-e4 7.Rf3xf4 Qd2xf4 8.Kg1-g2 e4-e3 9.c4-c5 e3-e2 10.h2-h3 e2-e1Q
  -+  (-25.20)   Depth: 15   00:28:30  666836kN
1...h6-h5 2.g4xh5 Rf8xf3 3.e2xf3 Be4-d3 4.Rf1-f2 Bh4xg3 5.Rf2-b2 Rh8xh5 6.h2-h4
Bg3xh4 7.a2-a4 Qd4xb2+ 8.Kg2-h1 Bd3-f5 9.b3-b4 Qb2xb4
  -+  (-25.21)   Depth: 15   00:35:33  842531kN
1...h6-h5 2.g4xh5 Rf8xf3 3.c4-c5 Bh4xg3 4.Rf1-f2
  -+  (-26.89)   Depth: 15   00:38:14  899113kN
1...h6-h5 2.g4-g5 Bh4xg3 3.h2xg3 h5-h4 4.g3xh4 Rf8-f4 5.Kg2-g3 Be4xf3 6.e2xf3
  -+  (-#10)   Depth: 15   00:57:51  1587134kN
1...h6-h5 2.g4-g5 Bh4xg3 3.h2xg3 h5-h4 4.g3xh4 Rf8-f4 5.Kg2-g3 Be4xf3 6.e2xf3
Rf4xh4 7.Rf1-f2 Qd4-f4+ 8.Kg3-g2 Rh4-h1 9.Rf2-d2 Rh8-h2#
  -+  (-#9)   Depth: 16   01:13:15  2296853kN

(Blass, Tel-aviv 30.12.2002)


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