Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Tournament chess is the key notion

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 07:41:08 02/11/03

Go up one level in this thread

On February 11, 2003 at 09:53:58, Bob Durrett wrote:

>I fear I really am getting senile, on the verge of having Alzheimer's disease.
>The fact that I cannot follow some of your arguments is my primary indication
>that I'm in serious trouble.  : (
>You say that the "critical point" is:  "But I say also the books are illegal
>because they contain lines NO comp could understand (= play without
>I simply do not understand.  Could you please elaborate on this critical point?

Let me confirm you that you have no desease yet. You are in good shape here
because NOBODY understood it until now in CCC. I am the only one. So that is a
feeling of isolation and helplessness (almost like Alzheimer).

Bob, let's both concentrate and relax at the same time. Let's seek our alpha
state. Ok? I begin the hypnosis.

If you play chess, did you ever meet a difficult opening, where you had NO idea
whatsoever what should be wrong with what you played? And only very very much
later and deeper you got the solution? Yes? - Fine!

About such DEEP openings I am talking. Comp would be toast in such situations.

Trick of the programmers was to invent the opening books. These books are mainly
to prevent that comps get lost in the Jungle.

Now let's come to my main point.

I say, that these lines that no comp could play without completely hurting the
position [if he had no books!], such line should be forbidden. All others,
average stuff a human patzer already knows up to the 25th move, could be allowed
- because, Bob, otherwise we had real patzer comps who cant walk, can't talk,
and who still claim that they are real humans, so to speak. So, out of
compassion I want to allow books MINUS these special lines.

In general: a book is filled with openings and analysis ONLY with moves a comp
can find in a reasonable time.

In general: I want sober computerchess without impostering.

Rolf Tueschen

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