Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Neverending story with incomplete tablebases

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 13:24:09 08/18/03

Go up one level in this thread

On August 18, 2003 at 16:15:55, Russell Reagan wrote:

>On August 18, 2003 at 16:02:41, Sune Fischer wrote:
>>Not exactly.
>>I clone the board and spilt the tree, as you would when you're about to set off
>>a new thread, this now works in perft.
>>That's as far as I've gotten (wohoo:).
>>Next up is the fun stuff, getting threads to spin and waking them up for a
>>search (no idea how to do this yet!).
>Hmm, I'm not exactly sure I understand how you're doing things. What do you mean
>by "split the tree, as you would when you're about to set off a new thread"? And
>from "getting threads to spin and waking them up for a search" sounds like
>you're creating some threads for searching and leaving them in either a
>suspended state, or a running state whenever the time comes.
>I've never implemented SMP search in a chess program (yet), but I've used
>threads some, and I would think it would be better to just start a new thread
>each time you want to start a new search (when it becomes your move, or when you
>want to ponder, or whatever). I think this is simpler than trying to manage
>threads and control their state. You can create a simple wrapper class to do
>this stuff and make starting threads, stopping them, and pausing them nice and
>simple. Hopefully I don't underestimate the cost of starting up new threads.

If I cared about simplicity I would not be going parallel, I want performance!

From Crafty:
*                                                                              *
*   ThreadWait() is the idle loop for the N threads that are created at the    *
*   beginning when Crafty searches.  threads are "parked" here waiting on a    *
*   pointer to something they should search (a parameter block built in the    *
*   function Thread() in this case.  when this pointer becomes non-zero, each  *
*   thread "parked" here will immediately call SearchSMP() and begin the       *
*   parallel search as directed.                                               *
*                                                                              *

I take it this implies creating and joining is not efficient.

>>I guess I also have to become somewhat of an expert of mutex'es, oh well.
>You don't have to get this complex if you don't need it. For instance, there are
>some "atomic" instructions/functions that you can use in Windows. You can look
>them up on Microsoft's website: Search for something
>like InterlockedExchange, InterlockedCompareAndExchange, and stuff like that.
>These are functions to do some simple things like assignment, conditional
>assignment, and a few others (maybe 4 or 5 functions total), and you can do
>things like set flags and stuff like that, which may be all you need. Basically
>they let you work with simple variables in a thread safe way. If you need more
>than that, you might need to get into critical sections, mutexes, and
>semaphores...oh the joys of multi-threading!

Yes this is what I need, do you think I want to be stuck in windows forever? :)

>>Just got thinking, Gerd's assembler isn't thread-safe, is it?
>If you're referring to the MMX stuff, I'd guess not, since each thread would
>probably just trash whatever the other thread was doing in the mmx registers.

Yeah I feared this. The registers are sort of like global variables, I guess
locking and unlocking registers is not an option.


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