Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: one vote for STAND QUIET from Mridul.

Author: Mridul Muralidharan

Date: 05:50:27 08/29/03

Go up one level in this thread

Hi Scott,

  My comments inline.

  Please do note that , because of the way mess has been implemented , most of
these ideas may work for me - but maybe too expensive for others , or maybe
downright stupid/impossible for others to implement (just my disclaimer :) )

  I'm currently still (!!) in the trying out ideas phase - so not much thought
to optimization , etc. Algorithmic improvements seem to give exponential
improvements as compared to the linear improvements given by code optimisation -
so that will come later :)

I believe in sharing ideas (not necessarily code) , so here goes nothing ...


On August 28, 2003 at 11:09:19, scott farrell wrote:

>On August 28, 2003 at 10:55:20, Mridul Muralidharan wrote:
>>I use qsearch as a method of reaching quiet and calm positions, not as a method
>>to eliminate all captures.
>>Hence , I also try stuff like forking moves , threatening and checking moves ,
>>etc - these may not be captures or promotions - but normal moves that can be
>>very threatening and dangerous.
>I just score the pins/skewers etc in the eval, and it mostly throws out the
>position using alpha/beta instead. YMMV.

I have eval for mobility , pinned , hung , skewers , etc - they definitely do
seem to improve the game play of mess - but like you said , ymmv for others :)

>I remember my engine before stand pat. It thought if there was a capture on the
>board it had to take it, and go through with the sequence. It played very funny
>chess for some time, and still managed to win lots, and played very very
>aggresively, making huge recapturing combinations on the board - very amusing.
>So if you dont put stand pat, how do you tell it that it doesnt have to take one
>of the moves in the move list, it can make no move instead (which when the full
>width search gets there, it can make a non capture move).

I expirimented with null move in qsearch which I got from ccc archive - some
adaptation of beal's algorithm - did not get much improvement out of it ... did
see degradation due to the higher times required to complete a search ply though
I still use standpat - cant seem to have a method of finding a way of working
around its limitations.
My idea is not to eliminate standpat - there is no way to do that , we will have
to return the standpat score at some depth in qsearch , but to reduce the
positions where standing pat score maynot be the right thing to do.
Examples would include : checks , zugwang positions , etc. Working on more ...

>>Of late I have been noticing that , standpat though it give a nice speedup , can
>>be very bad for my search - atleast the quality of output it produces.
>>Even though I dont allow standpat in case like when in check , etc I still see
>>the pv ending in positions where , due to standpat , I get the score of a lousy
>>position. Maybe need to tune up eval more ?!!
>I am interested to hear this, maybe I will try to remove, and other ideas
>instead of stand pat.

I have a seperate qsearch hashtable - 4 probe always replace. This gives me an
ok cutoff rate and also a good number of hashmoves to try first.
Especially since my qsearch is so expensive , this seems to pay off real well.

Note my comments above about standpat - idea is not to eliminate them - no way
we will complete even ply 1 if we do that ! but to improve them so that they
dont return a score when they shouldnt.

>>The observations you made w.r.t passed pawn was also observed by me - maybe like
>>you said , I need to identify more patterns for passed pawn eval. But the fact
>>remains , you cannot find all of them. So maybe it makes sense to keep these in
>>qsearch ?
>>Extensions have always only blown up the search tree for me - skewed up search
>>tree , where a whole bunch of useless checking moves or captures keep getting
>>extended , while worthwhile lines miss out due to that one extra ply search that
>>they need to prove they are the best moves. So I rarely extend now , even
>>checking moves are rarely extended , unless they are "good".
>Every time I touch my check extensions, the strength goes down. I now just leave
>them at extend 1 full ply when in check, and 1 full ply for single escaping
>move. I am interested in how you discern 'useless checking' from good checking
>moves though?

You can easily comeup with a easy set of positions where a check will be pretty
stupid to extend after static board analysis (without any search ofcourse !).

Examples :

1) Simple case :
[d] r1bqkb1r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/4p3/3PP3/P4N2/1PP2PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 0 4

Trivial to see that Bb4+ is to be not extended.

2) Hung piece case :
[d] r1b1kb1r/1ppp1ppp/p1n2q2/4P3/P3n3/5N2/1PP1BPPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 0 7

Here , Bb4+ need not be extended too.

And more cases which you can comeup quiet easily.
So these moves are not "good" moves - no point in extending them.
Actually this might look deceptively simple - had to work quiet a lot to get a
good set of positions , patterns and code to get all this to work well - and
ofcourse , there will be a list of cases where you will have to have special
cases to handle (like a capture that checks the king while a higher piece is
hung , etc , etc).

So if a move is not good - then there has to be extraordinary circumstances
under which it will be extended.

This "good" move code is not limited to checks - also applies to normal moves
(like making a move that leaves a piece hung , etc) , captures , etc. This gives
a great move ordering - at a performance loss.
This same code is reused in qsearch to find out the "good" captures to make and
the "good" threatening moves (checks , forks , etc) to make.

My investigations are not yet complete - I continue to expiriment with the
threat analysis of a (non-cap/non-promo) move in qsearch , etc.

>> Recaptures - almost
>>never (depending on which version :) ) , have not tried singular extensions -
>>because I have not understood the implementation related concepts that well ,
>>nor have I found much of a documentation of how it could be implemented.
>I put recaptures in/out/in/out also, but have them in now, found someone's idea
>somwhere, only recap on the same square, and only winning captures. This seemed
>really really strong.
>My extensions do go crazy sometimes. In the end game of blitz, sometimes I see
>it only gets 4 ply full width, and 25 ply in extensions, but it trounces the
>opposing computer with excellent pawn pushes and checks - and wins most of the
>time only searching 4-5 full width plies.

  Problem with recap that I found was that - almost an cap could degreade into a
recap - if it was a defended piece (like most positions in middle game) and if
your move ordering is good - then much higher probability of this ! So I found
that number of recap extensions was becoming intolerably high , while not giving
me much of a playing strength improvement - since i do handle so much in qsearch
anyway. So I ditched it will negligble impact (in very rare cases, i need depth
9 to see something i couldnot at depth 8 , etc).
  Right now , I think I get quiet healthy search with very minimal extensions -
and all game losses that I have analysed mostly just a depth problem - not
something that an agressive extension scheme could have solved ! So I guess I
maybe  on the right track :)

>>I tried a search through ccc archives - way too many threads - but none of them
>>had something that would not have adverse effects on search - tried a few ideas
>>and miserably failed.
>tried this also, blew up the search too much.
>>Rest of the extensions - i threw them out of the window.
>>My $.02

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