Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: on the value of old dedicated chess computer's

Author: allan johnson

Date: 03:39:40 05/17/04

Go up one level in this thread

On May 16, 2004 at 19:43:49, steven blincoe wrote:

>> Well foolishly I didn't think to ask but I couldn't get a display in the
>>program module and the board's lights weren't all working.
>i am certainly no expert on fixing chess computers,but that does sound like a
>problem with the program module
>if i am correct,this  means your local,down the street,run of the mill,
>Electronic's guy somehow managed to fix a 68020 processor!
>i am gathering together all of my computers and i am now moving "down under"
 I wouldn't do that just yet Steve; the problem was undoubtedly a simple one to
fix, dust,loose connection etc. I can't imagine him charging 50 bucks if the
problem was complex.

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