Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: position

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 04:09:40 06/08/04

Go up one level in this thread

On June 08, 2004 at 06:30:36, Uri Blass wrote:

>On June 07, 2004 at 22:43:14, James Swafford wrote:
>>On June 07, 2004 at 22:20:19, Will Singleton wrote:
>>>Here's one from a game today on ICC, Alarm-Amateur.  Amateur doesn't find the
>>>right move, and loses.  Shredder does well here, but not many (any?) others.
>>>Anyone find Qd5 in less than a minute?
>>>[d]1rb1k2r/5p1p/p1nQpp2/1p6/4qP2/PN6/2P1B1PP/R3K2R b KQk -
>>Mine does not.  It likes Bb7.  It doesn't know much though. :)
>>What makes Qd5 'the right move'?
>probably searching
>Movei is happy with Bb7(score +1.4 for black at depth 6) but the score is
>dropping almost every iteration.

I can add to this sequence -0.56/14 but unfortunately movei needs almost an hour
on A1000 to see that number

Here is the analysis
13 12 63514 108614784 c8b7 b3c5 e4d4 a1d1 d4c3 e1f2 b8d8 c5d7 f6f5 d1d3 c3g7 e2
h5 c6d4 d6d4 g7d4 d3d4 d8d7 d4d7 e8d7 h5f7
13 12 250199 428921181 c8b7 b3c5 e4d4 a1d1 d4c3 e1f2 b8d8 c5d7 f6f5 d1d3 c3g7 e
2h5 c6d4 d6d4 g7d4 d3d4 d8d7 d4d7 e8d7 h5f7
14 -56 283506 490545545 c8b7 b3c5 e4e3 a1d1 e3c3 e1f1 b8d8 c5d7 b7c8 d1d3 c3b2
d3b3 b2a1 f1f2 a1d4 d6d4 c6d4 d7f6 e8f8


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