Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: probably a mistake in arasan test suite

Author: Richard Pijl

Date: 06:22:51 06/23/04

Go up one level in this thread

On June 23, 2004 at 08:44:43, Uri Blass wrote:

>On June 23, 2004 at 08:35:30, Uri Blass wrote:
>>I analyzed a position of arasan3 with latest version of movei and I get the
>>following analysis{34} {40} {44} is the selective depth:
>>Qe4 is not mentioned as a solution and I wonder if it is a good alternative
>>14 207 28521 54195832{ 34 } d3f5 b7b5 f5g4 h8g8 g2d5 b5c4 d5g8 a6a3 g4g7 a3d6 g
>>8c4 d6e7 g7g8 d8c7 c4a6
>>14 208 51404 97382425 d3e4
>>14 237 68447 128185107 d3e4
>>14 258 118575 217196891{ 40 } d3e4 d8e8 f2f4 e8f8 f4e5 c6e5 c4e5 a6d6 e5c4 d6c5
>> e4d5 d7d6 d5d6 c5d6 c4d6
>>14 258 120342 220767603{ 40 } d3e4 d8e8 f2f4 e8f8 f4e5 c6e5 c4e5 a6d6 e5c4 d6c5
>> e4d5 d7d6 d5d6 c5d6 c4d6
>>15 255 167787 306377970{ 44 } d3e4 d8e8 f2f4 e8f7 f4e5 h7h5 e4d5 f7f8 e5f6 g7f6
>> d5f5 h8h6 f5f4 f8g7 g2e4 b7b5
>I forgot the diagram of the initial position and here it is
>[D]r1bk3r/pp1p2pp/q1nP1p2/4p3/2Np4/P2Q2P1/1R2PPBP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1

This is Arasan3.3.

The Baron 1.3.1 b5 agrees that Qe4 might be an alternate solution.

In the testposition the Baron chooses Qf5:

  6(13)&   0:00.75    187920   -0.32  Rb2-c2 b7-b6 Bg2-e4 h7-h5 Qd3-f3 Bc8-b7
  6(14)&   0:01.20    291547   -0.29  Qd3-f5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-g4 g7-g6 Qg4-h4 g6-g5
  6(14).   0:01.69    413234   -0.29  Qd3-f5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-g4 g7-g6 Qg4-h4 g6-g5
  7(16)&   0:02.39    577671   -0.09  Qd3-f5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-g4 g7-g6 Qg4-h4 g6-g5
  7(16).   0:03.27    827028   -0.09  Qd3-f5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-g4 g7-g6 Qg4-h4 g6-g5
  8(18)&   0:05.63   1414653   +0.02  Qd3-f5 Kd8-e8 Bg2-d5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-h5 g7-g6
                                      Qh5-h4 f6-f5 Qh4-f6
  8(18).   0:06.50   1667697   +0.02  Qd3-f5 Kd8-e8 Bg2-d5 Ra8-b8 Qf5-h5 g7-g6
                                      Qh5-h4 f6-f5 Qh4-f6
  9(20)+   0:10.66   2673190   +0.37  Qd3-f5 (Kd8-e8) (Qf5-h5) (g7-g6) (Qh5-h6)
                                      (Bg2-d5) (Kf7-e8) (Bd5-g2) <rep>
  9(20)&   0:18.33   4644681   +0.75  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5xd3 Ra8-b8 Bg2xc6 Qa6xc6
                                      Qd3-e3 Qc6-a6 f2-f4 e5xf4
  9(21).   0:22.11   5728120   +0.75  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5xd3 Ra8-b8 Bg2xc6 Qa6xc6
                                      Qd3-e3 Qc6-a6 f2-f4 e5xf4
 10(21)&   0:35.77   9158471   +1.02  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5-g4 g7-g5 Qg4-f5 Rh8-f8
                                      Qf5xh7 d3xe2 Qh7-g7 Kd8-e8 Rb2xe2
 10(21).   0:40.84  10599755   +1.02  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5-g4 g7-g5 Qg4-f5 Rh8-f8
                                      Qf5xh7 d3xe2 Qh7-g7 Kd8-e8 Rb2xe2
 11(24)&   1:11.34  18412653   +1.22  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5-g4 g7-g5 Qg4-f5 Rh8-f8
                                      Qf5xh7 d3-d2 Rb2xd2 b7-b5 Qh7-g7 Kd8-e8
 11(24).   1:28.66  23523167   +1.22  Qd3-f5 d4-d3 Qf5-g4 g7-g5 Qg4-f5 Rh8-f8
                                      Qf5xh7 d3-d2 Rb2xd2 b7-b5 Qh7-g7 Kd8-e8
 12(24)+   2:39.47  41674097   +1.57  Qd3-f5 (d4-d3) (Qf5-g4) (g7-g5) (Qg4-f5) (
                                      (Qf5xf6) (Nc6-e7)
 12(26)&   4:59.25  77395025   +2.25  Qd3-f5 e5-e4 Qf5-h5 b7-b5 Qh5-f7 b5xc4
                                      Qf7xg7 Rh8-e8 Qg7xf6 Nc6-e7 d6xe7 Re8xe7
                                      Qf6-h8 Re7-e8 Qh8xd4 Qa6xa3
 12(26).   5:32.28  86676950   +2.25  Qd3-f5 e5-e4 Qf5-h5 b7-b5 Qh5-f7 b5xc4
                                      Qf7xg7 Rh8-e8 Qg7xf6 Nc6-e7 d6xe7 Re8xe7
                                      Qf6-h8 Re7-e8 Qh8xd4 Qa6xa3

After forcing Qe4:

 11(21).   1:21.42  20698751   -0.21  Kd8-e8 f2-f4 Ke8-f8 Rb2-c2 Ra8-b8 f4xe5
                                      b7-b5 Nc4-d2 Qa6xa3 e5xf6 Qa3-e3 Qe4xe3
 12(26)-   3:36.61  54504179   -0.56  Kd8-e8 (f2-f4) (Ke8-f8) (f4xe5) (Nc6xe5) (
                                      (Qa6xa3) (Qe4xd4) (Qa3-a5) (Bg2xb7) (h7-h6
 12(26)-   6:41.44  99970867   -1.46  Kd8-e8 (f2-f4) (Ke8-f8) (f4xe5) (Nc6xe5) (
                                      (Qa6xa3) (Qe4xd4) (Qa3-a5) (Bg2xb7)
 12(27)&   8:38.88 128386849   -2.16  Kd8-e8 f2-f4 Ke8-f7 f4xe5 h7-h5 Qe4-f5
                                      Rh8-h6 Bg2-d5 Kf7-f8 e5xf6 g7xf6 Rc1-f1
                                      Kf8-e8 Rb2-b1
 12(27).  10:03.13 149181792   -2.16  Kd8-e8 f2-f4 Ke8-f7 f4xe5 h7-h5 Qe4-f5
                                      Rh8-h6 Bg2-d5 Kf7-f8 e5xf6 g7xf6 Rc1-f1
                                      Kf8-e8 Rb2-b1
 13(28)&  12:56.67 192567040   -2.22  Kd8-e8 f2-f4 Ke8-f7 f4xe5 h7-h5 Qe4-d5
                                      Kf7-f8 Rc1-f1 Rh8-h6 e5xf6 Rh6xf6 Rf1xf6
                                      g7xf6 Bg2-f3 h5-h4


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