Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: for reference

Author: Stuart Cracraft

Date: 10:49:14 07/11/04

Go up one level in this thread

On July 11, 2004 at 07:24:41, Anthony Cozzie wrote:

>1. Ka1-b2 Ka7-a8 2. Kb2-c3 Ka8-b7 3. Kc3-d3 Kb7-c7 4. Kd3-e3 Kc7-d8 5. Ke3-f2
>Kd8-e7 6. Kf2-e2 Ke7-f7 7. Ke2-d2 Kf7-g6 8. Kd2-d3 Kg6-h5 9. Kd3-e2 Kh5-g4 10.
> = (1.26)	Depth: 19/21	00:00:00.03	35kN
>1. Ka1-b1++
> + (1.42)	Depth: 19/22	00:00:00.04	51kN
>1. Ka1-b1 Ka7-b7 2. Kb1-c1 Kb7-c7 3. Kc1-d1 Kc7-d7 4. Kd1-c2 Kd7-c8 5. Kc2-d2
>Kc8-d7 6. Kd2-c3 Kd7-c8 7. Kc3-c4 Kc8-b8 8. Kc4-b5 Kb8-b7 9. Kb5xa5 Kb7-a7 10.
> = (3.75)	Depth: 19/22	00:00:00.19	281kN
>1. Ka1-b1 Ka7-b7 2. Kb1-c1 Kb7-c7 3. Kc1-d1 Kc7-d7 4. Kd1-c2 Kd7-c8 5. Kc2-d2
>Kc8-d7 6. Kd2-c3 Kd7-c7 7. Kc3-d3 Kc7-b7 8. Kd3-e3 Kb7-c7 9. Ke3-f3 Kc7-d7 10.
>Kf3-g3 Kd7-e7 11. Kg3-h4 Ke7-f6 12. Kh4-h5 Kf6-f7 13. Kh5-g5 Kf7-g7 14. Kg5xf5
> = (3.75)	Depth: 30/36	00:00:26.64	48543kN
>Crafty is ridiculous here; it gets depth ~40 in about 30 seconds (!), then it
>sees white force a promotion which expands the window and it sits there forever

GA 1.42 gets it at ply 24 in just under 2 minutes on an old 1ghz P3 but
doesn't see any material increase until the next ply.

1.42 July 10, 2004
copyright (c) 2004
Stuart Cracraft (

.Verbose = 2
.?  ?
.maxdepth = 9999999 maxtime = 180 timed = 1
.?  ?
.position file? (example: wac.epd) # of test positions to test? Testsuite:
Tests/test1 1 positions
8/k7/3p4/p2P1p2/P2P1P2/8/8/K7 w - - bm a1b1; id "PROPERTTTEST"
8/k7/3p4/p2P1p2/P2P1P2/8/8/K7 w - - bm a1b1; id "PROPERTTTEST"
-- ** -- ** -- ** -- **
BK -- ** -- ** -- ** --
-- ** -- BP -- ** -- **
BP -- ** WP ** BP ** --
WP ** -- WP -- WP -- **
** -- ** -- ** -- ** --
-- ** -- ** -- ** -- **
WK -- ** -- ** -- ** --
stage 10, white to move, computer plays white
NULLMV TT(1048576) Alpha=47 Beta=2047 Maxdepth=9999999 MaxTime=180
1. a1b2  0.00 1047        4 a1b2
2. a1b2  0.00 1012       15 a1b2 a7b8
3. a1b2  0.00 1012       48 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1
4. a1b2  0.00 1012      104 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8
5. a1b2  0.00 1012      215 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1b2
6. a1b2  0.00 1012      379 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
7. a1b2  0.00 1012      572 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
8. a1b2  0.01 1012     1019 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
9. a1b2  0.01 1012     1413 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
10. a1b2  0.01 1012     2272 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
11. a1b2  0.02 1017     3596 a1b2 a7b8 b2c1 b8c8 c1d1 c8d8 d1e1 d8c8 e1f1 c8b8
12. a1b2  0.04 1017     8252 a1b2 a7b8 b2c1 b8a8 c1d1 a8b8 d1e1 b8c8 e1f1 c8d8
f1g1 d8c8
13. a1b2  0.09 1017    16619 a1b2 a7b8 b2c1 b8c8 c1d2 c8c7 d2e1 c7b8 e1f1 b8c8
f1g1 c8b8 g1h1
14. a1b2  0.11 1017    21965 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b3 b8a7 b3a2 a7b8
15. a1b2  0.14 1017    26615 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b1 b8c8 b1a2
16. a1b2  0.40 1017    72771 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1b1 c8d8 b1b2 d8e8 b2c3 e8e7
c3d3 e7f6 d3c3 f6g6 c3c4 g6h5 c4b5 h5g4
17. a1b2  0.49 1016    97150 a1b2 a7b8 b2a1 b8c8 a1a2 c8b8 a2b3 b8b7 b3c2 b7c8
c2c1 c8b8 c1d1 b8c8 d1e1 c8d8 e1f1 d8e8 f1g1 e8f8 g1h1 f8g8 h1g1 g8h8 g1h1 h8g8
18. a1b2  0.89 1017   192288 a1b2 a7b8 b2c2 b8c8 c2d3 c8c7 d3c3 c7c8 c3c4 c8b8
c4b5 b8c8 b5a5 c8b8 a5b4 b8c8 b4c3 c8b8 c3b2 b8c8 b2a1 c8b8
19. a1b2  1.72 1017   354578 a1b2 a7a8 b2a1 a8b8 a1b1 b8c8 b1a2 c8b8 a2b1
20. a1b2  2.58 1017   585884 a1b2 a7a8 b2c2 a8b8 c2b3 b8c7 b3c4 c7b6 c4b5
21. a1b2  4.61 1017   979913 a1b2 a7a8 b2c2 a8b8 c2c3 b8b7 c3c4 b7b6 c4b5
22. a1b2 60.64 1012 11612925 a1b2 a7a8 b2c2 a8b8 c2c3 b8b7 c3c4 b7b6 c4b5
23. a1b1 109.62 1024 18638738 a1b1 a7b7 b1c1 b7c7 c1d1 c7d8 d1c2 d8e8 c2d2 e8e7
d2c3 e7f7 c3c4 f7g6 c4b5 g6h5 b5a5 h5g4 a5b6 g4f4 b6b7 f4e3 b7c7 e3d4 c7d6
24. a1b1 131.71 1024 23575474 a1b1 a7b7 b1c1 b7c7 c1d1 c7d8 d1c2 d8e8 c2c3 e8f7
c3c4 f7g6 c4b5 g6h5 b5a5 h5g4 a5b6 g4f4 b6c7 f4e3 c7d6 e3d4 d6e6 d4e4
25.Ta1b1 227.65 2006/2006 41248900 a1b1 a7b7 b1c1 b7c7 c1d1 c7c8 d1d2 c8b8 d2e2
b8c8 e2f2 c8d8 f2g3 d8e8 g3h4 e8f8 h4g5 f8g7 g5f5 g7f7 f5e4 f7g6 e4f3 g6g7 f3g2
g7h8 g2h1
ha=99.00% q=43.0% bc=51% br=2.2% mp=38<>26
ha is the hash table hit percentage
q is the % of all nodes searched that were quiescence nodes
bc is the % of beta cuts
br is the branching factor
mp is the maximum white/black positional score (1000 = 1 pawn)
pawnx=0 recapx=0 qcheckx=4560 checkx=0 futilx=0 qfutilx=106
qcheckx is check extensions in the quiescence search
qfutilx is futility cutoffs in the quiescence search
-- ** -- ** -- ** -- **
BK -- ** -- ** -- ** --
-- ** -- BP -- ** -- **
BP -- ** WP ** BP ** --
WP ** -- WP -- WP -- **
** -- ** -- ** -- ** --
-- ** -- ** -- ** -- **
** WK ** -- ** -- ** --
stage 10, black to move, computer plays white
stage is the stage of the game and is
10 * (% current material both sides / max material both sides)
*** CORRECT MOVE *** a1b1
8/k7/3p4/p2P1p2/P2P1P2/8/8/K7 w - - bm a1b1; id "PROPERTTTEST"
% totcor/totpos time nodes nodes/pos time/pos nodes/sec
*** 100% 1/1 227.65 41248900 41248900/228/181191 0/0/4560/00/106
.?  ?

This is a good test position -- thanks for posting.


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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