Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Statistics needed on memory leaks for chess programs

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 19:23:58 12/28/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 28, 1998 at 18:26:47, KarinsDad wrote:

>On December 28, 1998 at 17:50:59, Inmann Werner wrote:
>>Try to use some Microsoft Compilers (C++, Foxpro..). If you run some of the
>>"sample applications" again and again, you will see the decreasing memory!
>>I hate it, cause I have to do with it every day.
>>Most problem is, if you create an object in the running program. Then you kill
>>the "father". Take a look!
>I was trying to re-create what I have seen before and was unsuccessful. I could
>create memory leaks with no problem, but the OS always cleaned it back up when
>the application exited (as is proper). Please let me know which sample C++
>applications you were using, which "father" objects you destroyed, and on which

I don't follow any of this.  IE in crafty, I "malloc()" the hash tables, I
do _not_ free() them before I exit(0) the program.  And the memory gets freed
up under windows just as it does under linux.  Yes I can create a thread and
so long as a thread "lives" its resources remain allocated.  But I don't know
of commercial chess programs that create threads so don't see where this is a

this "object" discussion loses me.  An object (in C++) is not a permanent thing
that exists 'on its own'... it is simply a data structure that comes into being
when you access an object constructor, and disappears when you access the
destructor...  but when the program terminates, the objects disappear along
with it...

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