Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: If Quiescence is entered in check...

Author: Jan K.

Date: 17:56:28 09/05/04

Go up one level in this thread

>Having problems getting above the 79%-80% mark.
>Been stuck there for a week or two. Not many ideas
>lately. Up from 65% result in June when it was 2-3
>months old, before ICDers got a hold of it. Not sure
>where to squeeze out additional advances.
>Since I don't analyze any specific position, excepting
>WAC 141 going forward is not as easy. I know that WAC 2
>could be rewarded with connected passed pawns on 6th
>rank evaluation term being worth a high quantity. Perhaps
>I will just analyze the failures now and can gain

Just take those positions one after another...first make sure that you have
implemented the alfa/beta algorithm right, then make sure extensions are working
correctly(check,single reply,threat,pawnpush help here much,you can try
fractional extensions) step of course is to find if you don't solve the
position at all or if it just takes too much time. I guess that there are maybe
10 positions that could take more than 5 seconds to solve. Try to turn off
various parts of your search to see if it doesn't help,hash tables, see
pruning,....null move may cause trouble if you prune too much->try generating
quite checks at first x ply of qsearch,and so on and so on. Of course you must
be absolutely sure that your "core" routines like checks, move generator and so
on are working perfectly. Doing this you _must_ come finally to some logical
conclusions and guess where the bug probably is. With wac positions which are
simple there's usually no need to spend hours exploring the search tree, finding
what happened, debugging can be made in much more effective(and clever) way.

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