Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Dutch Open CCC Leiden - 1st weekend summary

Author: Will Singleton

Date: 09:02:09 10/18/04

Go up one level in this thread

On October 18, 2004 at 04:13:44, Richard Pijl wrote:

>The first weekend of the Dutch Open had its up and downs for the Baron. After
>the first day, with 1 draw and two losses I was quite unhappy. The loss against
>Chess Tiger wasn't the worst one. Although the Baron got a drawish position
>after leaving the book, the Tiger showed how the ending should have been played
>and won. The Baron didn't have a clue this time. Unfortunately, the next round
>another drawish endgame emerged when leaving the book, and Goldbar did hold the
>draw. In fact, in the end the Baron had to make a perpetual to save the game. I
>_really_ still have a lot to do in the endgame evaluation!
>After two drawish booklines, the third game against Tao was an interesting one.
>Bas created a fun-book that only seemed to contain off-beat openings. Against
>the Baron Tao played 1.c3 and was out of book after Baron's reply 1..d5. In that
>game The Baron reached a very nice position, and would probably have won if it
>would have played the logical 28..Nd3.
>[D] r6r/3qb1k1/p3pp1p/4n1p1/2pNb3/2P5/P2BBPPP/2R1QRK1 b - -

28...Nd3 turns out to be pretty hard to find, no amateur program gets it in a
reasonable time of the programs I tried.  But it's one of those positions that,
shown the move, most programs see the light pretty fast.  I suppose it's a case
of pruning after the pawn loss, so that the bishops trapping the rooks isn't
seen.  I wonder if some extensions triggered by the rooks trying to evade the
bishops would help.

[d]r5kr/1b1qb3/p3Np2/6p1/2P5/3p4/P2B2PP/1R2QRK1 b - - 0 34

Avoiding Rh4 seems to be an eval issue, since Amateur sees the follow up

Good luck next week.


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