Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: start your engines ...

Author: Richard Pijl

Date: 00:35:50 10/20/04

Go up one level in this thread

On October 19, 2004 at 21:01:17, Mike Byrne wrote:

>All positions courtesy of Chess Informant...

The Baron 1.5.0 beta 1 on a Xeon 2.8:

[d]2r4k/ppq1r1b1/1n1R2Rp/8/5p1Q/1B5P/PP3PPK/8 w - - 0 1
  7(18)&   0:01.20    417403   +0.00  Rg6xh6 Bg7xh6 Rd6xh6 Re7-h7 Rh6xh7
                                      Qc7xh7 Qh4-f6 Qh7-g7 Qf6-h4 Qg7-h7 <rep>
  7(18)+   0:07.28   1603750   +0.30  Rd6-f6 (f4-f3) (g2-g3)
  7(18)+   0:09.33   2040835   +1.55  Rd6-f6 (f4-f3) (g2-g3)
  7(18)&   0:09.50   2090437   +1.57  Rd6-f6 f4-f3 g2-g3 Nb6-c4 Rg6xg7
                                      Re7xg7 Rf6xh6 Kh8-g8 Rh6-h8 Kg8-f7 Rh8xc8
                                      Qc7xc8 Qh4-f4 (Kf7-g8) (Bb3xc4)

[d]6k1/p3Bpp1/2R1b1q1/7p/4n1P1/3pP3/P4PBP/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
 11(18).   0:47.17  16129851   +0.15  h5xg4 Rd1xd3 Qg6-f5 Rd3-d8 Kg8-h7
                                      Be7-h4 g7-g5 Rd8-d4 Be6-d5 Rc6-c4 g5xh4
                                      Bg2xe4 Bd5xe4 (Rd4xe4)
 12(21)&   1:06.16  23153034   +0.15  h5xg4 Rd1xd3 Qg6-f5 Rd3-d8 Kg8-h7
                                      Be7-h4 g7-g5 Rd8-d4 Be6-d5 Rc6-c4 g5xh4
                                      Bg2xe4 Bd5xe4 Rd4xe4
 12(21)&   2:26.79  52548544   +0.33  d3-d2 f2-f3 Ne4-f6 Be7xf6 Qg6xf6
                                      Rd1xd2 h5xg4 f3-f4 Qf6-h4 Bg2-f1 g4-g3
 12(21)+   3:38.21  76209195   +0.45  f7-f6 (g4xh5) (Qg6xh5) (Rd1xd3) (Qh5-e2)
                                      (Bg2xe4) (Be6-h3) (Be4-d5) (Kg8-h8)
(Rc6-c1) (Qe2xd3)
                                      (Bd5-g2) (Qd3-g6)
 12(21)&   4:13.56  88653340   +0.60  f7-f6 g4xh5 Qg6xh5 Rd1xd3 Qh5-e2
                                      Bg2xe4 Be6-h3 Be4-d5 Kg8-h8 Rc6-c8 Bh3xc8
                                      Rd3-d4 Qe2-e1 Kg1-g2 Bc8-f5
 12(21).   4:22.89  91945850   +0.60  f7-f6 g4xh5 Qg6xh5 Rd1xd3 Qh5-e2
                                      Bg2xe4 Be6-h3 Be4-d5 Kg8-h8 Rc6-c8 Bh3xc8
                                      Rd3-d4 Qe2-e1 Kg1-g2 Bc8-f5

[d]5kn1/2q2r2/1p1pQP2/p1pPp1R1/b1P1B1P1/2P2P2/8/6K1 w - - 0 1
 11(23).   0:22.55   7735032   -0.44  Rg5xg8 Kf8xg8 Qe6-f5 Rf7-h7 Qf5-e6
                                      Kg8-f8 Be4xh7 Qc7xh7 Qe6xd6 Kf8-g8 Qd6xb6
                                      Ba4-e8 Qb6xc5 Qh7-h6 Qc5-e7
 12(25)&   0:27.41   9531744   -0.27  Rg5xg8 Kf8xg8 Qe6-f5 Rf7-h7 Qf5-e6
                                      Kg8-f8 Be4xh7 Qc7xh7 Qe6xd6 Kf8-g8 Qd6xb6
                                      Ba4-e8 Qb6-e6 Qh7-f7 Qe6xe5 Qf7-g6 Kg1-f1
 12(25)+   0:34.80  11956865   -0.14  Be4-h7 (Ng8-h6) (Bh7-g6) (Ba4-d7) (Bg6xf7)

                                      (Bd7xe6) (d5xe6) (Nh6xf7) (Rg5-g7) (a5-a4)
                                      (Kf8-e8) (Rg7-g8)
 12(25)&   0:42.72  14682793   +1.00  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 Ba4-b3 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Kf8-f7 d5-d6
                                      Qe7-e6 Qb8xb6 Bb3xc4 Qb6xc5
 12(25).   0:45.16  15634000   +1.00  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 Ba4-b3 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Kf8-f7 d5-d6
                                      Qe7-e6 Qb8xb6 Bb3xc4 Qb6xc5
 13(23)&   0:52.95  18472544   +1.23  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 b6-b5 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Qe7-e8 Qb8-c7
                                      Nf6-d7 c4xb5 Ba4xb5 Qc7-d6 Kf8-f7 Qd6-h6
 13(23).   0:59.12  20997411   +1.23  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 b6-b5 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Qe7-e8 Qb8-c7
                                      Nf6-d7 c4xb5 Ba4xb5 Qc7-d6 Kf8-f7 Qd6-h6
 14(24)&   1:13.59  25914295   +1.48  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 b6-b5 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Qe7-e8 Qb8-c7
                                      Nf6-d7 Qc7-c6 Ba4-c2 Qc6-h6 Kf8-e7 c4xb5
 14(25).   1:26.37  30909193   +1.48  Be4-h7 Ng8xf6 Bh7-g6 b6-b5 Bg6xf7
                                      Qc7xf7 Qe6xd6 Qf7-e7 Qd6-b8 Qe7-e8 Qb8-c7
                                      Nf6-d7 Qc7-c6 Ba4-c2 Qc6-h6 Kf8-e7 c4xb5

[d]2rr2k1/pp1bQp2/1q1p2pB/7n/3bP2P/2NB1P2/PPP5/2KR2R1 w - - 0 1
  7(15).   0:03.95    897384   +0.66  Qe7-g5 Rd8-e8 Rg1-h1 Kg8-h7 Qg5-d2
                                      Bd7-e6 Nc3-a4
  8(15)&   0:06.80   1570989   +0.44  Qe7-g5 Rd8-e8 Bd3-e2 Kg8-h7 Rd1xd4
                                      Qb6xd4 Rg1-d1 Qd4-f6 Qg5-e3
  8(15)&   0:11.31   2568047   +0.53  Bd3-c4 Rc8xc4 Rd1xd4 Rc4xd4 Bh6-e3
                                      Rd8-c8 Qe7xd7 Rc8xc3 (b2xc3)
  8(15).   0:12.53   2879545   +0.53  Bd3-c4 Rc8xc4 Rd1xd4 Rc4xd4 Bh6-e3
                                      Rd8-c8 Qe7xd7 Rc8xc3 (b2xc3)
  9(16)+   0:19.34   4399391   +0.83  Bd3-c4 (Rc8xc4) (Rd1xd4) (Rc4xd4) (Bh6-e3)

                                      (Rd8-c8) (Qe7xd7) (Rc8xc3) (Qd7-e8)
  9(16)&   0:23.09   5277718   +1.25  Bd3-c4 Rc8xc4 Rd1xd4 Rc4xd4 Bh6-e3
                                      Rd8-e8 Qe7xd7 Nh5-f6 Be3xd4 (Nf6xd7) (Bd4x
  9(17).   0:27.19   6330801   +1.25  Bd3-c4 Rc8xc4 Rd1xd4 Rc4xd4 Bh6-e3
                                      Rd8-e8 Qe7xd7 Nh5-f6 Be3xd4 (Nf6xd7) (Bd4x
 10(17)&   0:42.05   9899294   +1.52  Bd3-c4 Rc8xc4 Rd1xd4 Rc4xd4 Bh6-e3
                                      Rd8-e8 Qe7xd7 Nh5-f6 Qd7-f5 d6-d5 (Be3xd4)

[d]r2r2k1/pb2b3/1q2pn1B/7P/1p6/3B4/PP2QPP1/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1
  7(16).   0:08.47   1860297   +0.10  Rc1-c4 Kg8-h8 Qe2xe6 Qb6xe6 Re1xe6
                                      Rd8xd3 Re6xe7 Rd3-d1 Kg1-h2
  8(17)&   0:11.70   2562068   +0.10  Rc1-c4 Kg8-h8 Qe2xe6 Qb6xe6 Re1xe6
                                      Rd8xd3 Re6xe7 Rd3-d1 Kg1-h2
  8(17)+   0:20.23   4488898   +0.40  Rc1-c7 (Qb6xc7) (Qe2xe6) (Kg8-h8) (Qe6-f7)
                                      (Rd8-g8) (Re1xe7) (Rg8xg2) (Kg1-f1)
  8(17)&   0:21.25   4730446   +0.60  Rc1-c7 Be7-f8 Bd3-h7 Kg8-h8 Qe2-e5
                                      Qb6-d4 Qe5xd4 Rd8xd4 Rc7xb7
  8(17).   0:25.00   5644734   +0.60  Rc1-c7 Be7-f8 Bd3-h7 Kg8-h8 Qe2-e5
                                      Qb6-d4 Qe5xd4 Rd8xd4 Rc7xb7
  9(17)&   0:32.75   7512852   +0.50  Rc1-c7 Be7-f8 Bh6-f4 Rd8-c8 Re1-c1
                                      Kg8-h8 Rc7xc8 Bb7xc8 Qe2-f3 Bc8-b7
  9(17).   0:51.30  12083768   +0.50  Rc1-c7 Be7-f8 Bh6-f4 Rd8-c8 Re1-c1
                                      Kg8-h8 Rc7xc8 Bb7xc8 Qe2-f3 Bc8-b7
 10(17)+   1:06.95  15896663   +0.80  Rc1-c7 (Be7-f8) (Bd3-h7) (Kg8-h8) (Qe2-e5)
                                      (Qb6-d4) (Qe5xd4) (Rd8xd4) (Bh6xf8)
(Nf6xh7) (Bf8-g7)
 10(18)&   1:13.00  17592069   +0.90  Rc1-c7 Be7-f8 Bd3-h7 Kg8-h8 Qe2-e5
                                      Qb6-d4 Qe5xd4 Rd8xd4 Bh6xf8 Ra8xf8 Rc7xb7

[d]2r1r1k1/pb1p1p2/3P1qpp/8/3N4/2P3QP/P2KBPPn/R5R1 b - - 0 1
 10(16)&   1:00.42  14362555   -0.98  Re8-e4 Rg1-d1 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re4xe2
                                      Qg3xh2 Re2xf2 a2-a4 Bb7-e4 Kc3-b4 (Be4xg2)

 10(19).   1:46.12  26377272   -0.98  Re8-e4 Rg1-d1 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re4xe2
                                      Qg3xh2 Re2xf2 a2-a4 Bb7-e4 Kc3-b4 (Be4xg2)

 11(17)&   2:34.23  38237046   -0.91  Re8-e4 Rg1-d1 Re4-f4 Kd2-e1 Rc8-e8
                                      f2-f3 Bb7-a6 Ke1-f2 Ba6xe2 Nd4xe2 Rf4-e4
 11(20)&   3:03.28  45914537   -0.53  Nh2-f3 Be2xf3 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re8-c8
                                      Bf3-c6 Rc8xc6 Kc3-d3 Bb7-a6 Kd3-e4 Rc6-c4
                                      Rg1-d1 Qf6-e6 Ke4-d3 Rc4-b4 Kd3-c3 Qe6-c4
 11(20).   3:20.67  50959222   -0.53  Nh2-f3 Be2xf3 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re8-c8
                                      Bf3-c6 Rc8xc6 Kc3-d3 Bb7-a6 Kd3-e4 Rc6-c4
                                      Rg1-d1 Qf6-e6 Ke4-d3 Rc4-b4 Kd3-c3 Qe6-c4
 12(21)&   3:35.65  55386049   -0.53  Nh2-f3 Be2xf3 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re8-c8
                                      Bf3-c6 Rc8xc6 Kc3-d3 Bb7-a6 Kd3-e4 Rc6-c4
                                      Rg1-d1 Qf6-e6 Ke4-d3 Rc4-b4 Kd3-c3 Qe6-c4
 12(21).   6:10.54  95689839   -0.53  Nh2-f3 Be2xf3 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re8-c8
                                      Bf3-c6 Rc8xc6 Kc3-d3 Bb7-a6 Kd3-e4 Rc6-c4
                                      Rg1-d1 Qf6-e6 Ke4-d3 Rc4-b4 Kd3-c3 Qe6-c4
 13(22)+   6:56.20 106893325   -0.23  Nh2-f3 (Be2xf3) (Rc8xc3) (Kd2xc3) (Re8-c8)

                                      (Bf3-c6) (Rc8xc6) (Kc3-d3) (Bb7-a6)
(Kd3-e4) (Rc6-c4)
                                      (Rg1-d1) (Qf6-e6) (Ke4-d3) (Qe6-f6)
(Nd4-e2) (Qf6-f5)
 13(24)&   7:41.32 119934235   +0.00  Nh2-f3 Be2xf3 Rc8xc3 Kd2xc3 Re8-c8
                                      Kc3-d3 Bb7-a6 Kd3-e4 Rc8-c3 Ra1-b1 Ba6-d3
                                      Ke4-d5 Bd3-c4 Kd5-e4 Bc4-d3 <rep>

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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