Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Play without books. A good idea ?

Author: blass uri

Date: 05:26:00 01/13/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 13, 1999 at 07:39:47, Marc-Philippe HUGET wrote:

>	Right Nf3 can be played but I think, it is not a common move for first move, I
>think about e4, d4 in order to develop pieces. See previous message of
>statistics maniac...
>	In fact, the problem is : is it a good idea for testing evaluation of my
>program that I delete my book. If my program play correctly (but what is the
>sense of correctly ?) Am I sure my program have a correct evaluation for the
>beginning of the game ?

I think it is a good idea to delete book for testing evaluation.
1.Nf3 is also develop pieces so I do not see a problem if a program prefers
You cannot know what is the right moves(the most popular are not always the only
 right moves) but you can see some wrong moves of the computer(usually not in
the first move but some moves after it.


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