Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: How long to see black is winning + crafty bench

Author: Dieter Buerssner

Date: 23:33:35 03/27/05

Go up one level in this thread

My Crafty 17.14 (downloaded from Bob's ftp long ago) also misevaluates (at
least) one possible resulting KPK (after 8.cxb6 in the line we have discussed)
as lost instead of draw. It gives only -3 score, though. Of course this is no
big deal, and it is a non issue with TBs, and of course one just might want to
accept, that some KPK are evakuated wrong. For a small while, I get Kg4? instead
of cxb6, which does look a bit strange.

              13     0.53  -7.00   8. cxb6+ Kxb6 9. Kg4 Ka5 10. Kxh4 Kxa4
                                   11. Kg3 Kb3 12. Kf4 Kc3 13. Ke5 Kc4
                                   14. Kd6 Kxd4 15. Kc6
              13     0.64     ++   8. Kg4!!
              13     0.78  -5.92   8. Kg4 bxc5 9. dxc5 d4 10. a5 d3 11.
                                   Kf3 h3 12. Ke3 h2 13. Kxd3 h1=Q 14.
                                   Kc4 Qc6 15. Kb4
              13->   1.00  -5.92   8. Kg4 bxc5 9. dxc5 d4 10. a5 d3 11.
                                   Kf3 h3 12. Ke3 h2 13. Kxd3 h1=Q 14.
                                   Kc4 Qc6 15. Kb4
              14     1.07     --   8. Kg4
              14     1.84  -7.41   8. Kg4 bxc5 9. dxc5 d4 10. a5 d3 11.
                                   Kf3 h3 12. Ke3 h2 13. Kxd3 h1=Q 14.
                                   a6 Kc6 15. Kc2 Kxc5 <HT>
              14     1.93     ++   8. cxb6+!!
              14     2.06  -2.54   8. cxb6+ Kxb6 9. Kg4 Ka5 10. Kxh4 Kxa4
                                   11. Kg4 Kb3 12. Kf4 Kc3 13. Ke5 Kc4
                                   14. Ke6 Kxd4 15. Kd6 Ke4
              14->   2.28  -2.54   8. cxb6+ Kxb6 9. Kg4 Ka5 10. Kxh4 Kxa4
                                   11. Kg4 Kb3 12. Kf4 Kc3 13. Ke5 Kc4
                                   14. Ke6 Kxd4 15. Kd6 Ke4
              15     2.34  -2.70   8. cxb6+ Kxb6 9. Kg4 Ka5 10. Kxh4 Kxa4
                                   11. Kg4 Kb3 12. Kf5 Kc3 13. Ke6 Kxd4
                                   14. Kd6 Ke4 15. Kc5 d4 16. Kc4
              15->   2.54  -2.70   8. cxb6+ Kxb6 9. Kg4 Ka5 10. Kxh4 Kxa4
                                   11. Kg4 Kb3 12. Kf5 Kc3 13. Ke6 Kxd4
                                   14. Kd6 Ke4 15. Kc5 d4 16. Kc4

Searching for 2.h3 and 3.g3 might be good test positions (for engines without


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