Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Collector's Corner..The Mother Of All Rare Dedicated Chess Computers

Author: Erik Stillum

Date: 12:58:47 10/23/05

Go up one level in this thread

>it is already there

OOOps, I didn't see that(that is also my most used line when I play chess).

>as all of the Fidelity Excel Mach computers look the same i tried to make a copy
>of the model number..but it doesnt come out so good
I have one with serial nr. that ends with 003 and that looks different from the
one with serial nr. 010 (alas, the last one has a defect playing field). The 003
has red writing (this was new when I bought it the pieces was still sealed in
plastic) and the 010 has silver writing "Chess Challenger" and red "Fidelity
Electronics". My guess has been that this is because they were early in the
production process.  Do you know which colour the "standard" writing was on the

By the way, you shouldn't happen to know anyone with a brute force module for

Warm regards from a cold country.

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