Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ok what about renaming fruit to Cancer

Author: Jorge

Date: 22:31:52 11/10/05

Go up one level in this thread

On November 10, 2005 at 03:04:30, ERIQ wrote:

>On November 09, 2005 at 15:49:32, Dagh Nielsen wrote:
>>As the engine + name gets established in the chessworld, the name fruit will
>>probably take on a meaning of its own so that we associate it to "strong chess
>>engine" instead of "apple". Just think about when people say stuff like "fruit
>>is really a schredder killer" etc., then suddenly fruit will no longer have a
>>passive association in our minds.
>>Likewise, if there were no fritz engine, and somebody said they made an engine
>>called fritz, I would think it sounded like a middle aged archtypical German
>>man, but now fritz has practically become synonymous with "the toughest engine
>>we all have running on our comps", and the formally correct word "chess engine"
>>is usually just replaced by "fritz" when a chessauthor wants to make some point
>>about the use of chessengines.
>>In light of this, fruit is an excellent name because it is short, distinct,
>>smooth (unlike Toga or Gandalf), and easy to remember. Only drawback is that it
>>starts with "fr" and is exactly 5 letters long, like fritz.
>>Note, even if one cannot completely disregard subconscious associations or
>>subconscious activation of feelings (like fruit --> "umm" or "ecology maniac
>>favorite"), there is definately some "feel good" nature in the name, and once
>>that gets paradoxically coupled with its "it's a killer" nature, many people
>>will probably enjoy some satisfactory excitement, just like we get excited when
>>the paradoxical point of a joke is revealed. It would be the same excitement as
>>one could get from first choosing "Ghandi" as nick on a chess server, and then
>>beat the crap out of opponents.
>Good points all, but I am now starting to like calling it cancer.
>>Dagh Nielsen
>>n November 09, 2005 at 13:16:30, ERIQ wrote:
>>>does anyone else find it strange that such a powerful program could be named
>>>fruit?! This I think is to passive of a name maybe better something stronger
>>>more robust. But I cann't think of anything at moment so lets do it together
>>>shall we.

I like Fierce 2.2.1.-look out Shredder! :)


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