Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Rybka on Nolot test

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 10:31:26 12/15/05

For Nolot #7, it looks like Rybka found an alternate winning solution.

r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - bm Nxh6; c0
"Kasparov-Karpov, Wch35-KK5 Lyon-New York (20), CBM 21 1990"; id "Nolot.1,
Heap.100662, move.26";
r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - bm Rxc5; c0
"Bronstein,D-Ljubojevic,L, Petropolis izt (11), IZT 1973"; id "Nolot.2,
Heap.5154, move.22";
r2qk2r/ppp1b1pp/2n1p3/3pP1n1/3P2b1/2PB1NN1/PP4PP/R1BQK2R w - - bm Nxg5; c0
"Smagin,S-Sahovic,D, Biel op (10), EXP 19 1990"; id "Nolot.3, Heap.81891,
r1b1kb1r/1p1n1ppp/p2ppn2/6BB/2qNP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm Nxe6; c0
"Keres,Paul-Kotov, Budapest, candidate, 1950"; id "Nolot.4, Heap.373676,
r2qrb1k/1p1b2p1/p2ppn1p/8/3NP3/1BN5/PPP3QP/1K3RR1 w - - bm e5; c0
"Spassky,B-Petrosian,T, Wch27-Moscow (19), MAINB 1969"; id "Nolot.5, Heap.4152,
rnbqk2r/1p3ppp/p7/1NpPp3/QPP1P1n1/P4N2/4KbPP/R1B2B1R b - - bm axb5; c0
"Malaniuk,V (2520)-Ivanchuk,V, USSR(ch), 46/745, [Ivanchuk], 1988"; id "Nolot.6,
Heap.787586, move.13"; c1 "Wlodarczyk,R (2270)-Bandza,A, Miedzybrodzie (5), TD
91/08 1991"; c2 "Nolot.6, Heap.117601, move.13";
1r1bk2r/2R2ppp/p3p3/1b2P2q/4QP2/4N3/1B4PP/3R2K1 w - - bm Rxd8+; id "Nolot.7,
r3rbk1/ppq2ppp/2b1pB2/8/6Q1/1P1B3P/P1P2PP1/R2R2K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c0
"Gufeld,E-Osnos,V, URS 1978"; id "Nolot.8, Heap.655693, move.24";
r4r1k/4bppb/2n1p2p/p1n1P3/1p1p1BNP/3P1NP1/qP2QPB1/2RR2K1 w - - bm Ng5; c0
"Weinstein-Elyoseph, Israel, 1992"; id "Nolot.9, src=?";
r1b2rk1/1p1nbppp/pq1p4/3B4/P2NP3/2N1p3/1PP3PP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Rxf7; c0 "Van der
Wiel,J-Ribli,Z, Amsterdam, 1980"; id "Nolot.10, Heap.444066, move.15";
r1b3k1/p2p1nP1/2pqr1Rp/1p2p2P/2B1PnQ1/1P6/P1PP4/1K4R1 w - - bm Rxh6; c0
"Teichmann-NN, Zurich 1920"; id "Nolot.11, src=?";


Analysis from E:\nolot.epd
Analyzing engine: Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32
  1) Ng4xh6             Ng4xh6  * 7 Seconds
  2) Rc1xc5             Rc1xc5  * 222 Seconds
  3) Nf3xg5             h2-h3
  4) Nd4xe6             Bh5-e2
  5) e4-e5              Nc3-e2
  6) .. a6xb5           Nb8-d7
  7) Rd1xd8             Rc7-b7
  8) Bd3xh7             Rd1-d2
  9) Nf3-g5             Ng4-f6
 10) Rf1xf7             Rf1xf7  * 2197 Seconds
 11) Rg6xh6             Rg6xh6  * 24 Seconds
4 of 11 matching moves
12/15/2005 4:45:54 AM, Total time: 11:00:29 AM Rated time: 7:40:50 = 27650


Analysis from E:\nolot.epd
12/14/2005 5:45:24 PM Level: 3600 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32

1) Nxh6; c0 "Kasparov-K
    Searching move: Ng4xh6
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Ng4xh6
    identical moves! Found in: 00:07
      3	00:00	         896	19.114	-0.11	Qd1d4
      4	00:00	       2.220	28.775	-0.14	Qd1d4
      5	00:01	       5.483	32.454	-0.14	Qd1d4 Ra8c8
      6	00:01	      11.392	35.457	-0.07	Qd1d4 Ra8c8 Ng4e3
      7	00:01	      23.531	38.491	-0.19	Qd1d4 Ra8c8 Ng4e3 Nd5xe3
      8	00:03	      91.927	40.963	-0.10	Qd1d4 c4c3 Bb2xc3 Nd5xc3 Qd4xb4
      9	00:04	     131.677	43.134	-0.72	Qd1d4 c4c3 Bb2xc3 Nd5xc3 Qd4xb4 Nc3xe4
      9	00:07	     269.868	41.706	-0.56	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8d7
     10	00:12	     504.015	45.819	-0.56	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8f7
     11	00:22	     954.156	45.436	-0.62	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8f7
Nc3e4 Nd5f4
     12	00:47	   2.037.022	45.267	-0.44	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d2 Ra8b8 Kh2g1
     13	01:32	   4.053.427	45.544	-0.31	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d4 Qh5f7 Nc3e4 Kh8g8
     14	02:56	   7.946.433	46.470	-0.37	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d4 Qh5f7 Nc3e4 Kh8g8
     15	06:14	  17.243.208	47.371	-0.28	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d4 Qh5f7 Nc3e4 Kh8g8
     16	12:22	  34.862.955	48.153	-0.26	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d4 Qh5f7 Nc3e4 Kh8g8
     17	25:36	  73.174.039	48.815	-0.30	Ng4xh6 c4c3 Kg1h2 Re6xh6 Ne4xc3 Qe8h5
Qd1d4 Qh5f7 Nc3e4 Kh8g8
   12/14/2005 6:45:30 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 00:07

2) Rxc5; c0 "Bronstein,
    Searching move: Rc1xc5
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Rc1xc5
    identical moves! Found in: 03:42
      3	00:01	         889	4.137	-1.81	Ke2f1
      4	00:01	       2.041	3.255	-1.77	Ke2f1
      5	00:01	       4.715	6.705	-3.69	Ke2f1 Qc6b5+ Kf1g2
      5	00:02	       6.649	5.884	-3.56	Bg5h6 Qc6b5+ Ke2d1
      5	00:02	      11.450	9.253	-3.50	Ne4f2 Nb6d5
      5	00:02	      12.402	9.555	-3.47	e5e6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1
      6	00:02	      15.688	11.048	-3.53	e5e6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Bc5b4+ Ke1f2
      6	00:02	      19.614	12.231	-2.19	Bg5h6 Qc6b5+ Ke2d2 Bc5b4+ Kd2e3
      7	00:03	      31.830	15.216	-2.35	Bg5h6 Qc6b5+ Ke2d2 Bc5b4+ Kd2e3 Kg8h8
      8	00:04	      69.804	21.471	-2.35	Bg5h6 Qc6b5+ Ke2d2 Bc5b4+ Kd2e3 Kg8h8
      8	00:06	     147.791	25.486	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5
      9	00:08	     232.122	31.557	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     10	00:12	     433.978	39.452	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     11	00:20	     870.828	48.379	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     12	00:37	   1.813.099	51.802	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     13	01:11	   3.815.389	55.295	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     14	02:18	   7.964.588	59.437	 0.00	Bg5f6 Qc6b5+ Ke2e1 Nd7xf6 Ne4xf6+ Kg8g7
Nf6h5+ g6xh5 Qf4f6+ Kg7g8
     14	03:42	  12.673.047	58.671	+2.77	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5 Nd7xc5 Bg5h6 Nc5xb3
a2xb3 Nb6d7 Bh6xf8 Nd7xf8
     15	04:11	  15.880.669	64.819	+4.22	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5 Nd7xc5 Bg5h6 Nc5e6
Bb3xe6 f7xe6 Bh6xf8 Ra8xf8
     16	05:15	  21.881.153	71.274	+4.23	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5 Nd7xc5 Bg5h6 Nb6d7
Bh6xf8 Ra8xf8 Bb3c4 Nc5e6
     17	07:29	  34.407.545	78.556	+4.26	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5 Nd7xc5 Bg5h6 Nc5e6
Bb3xe6 f7xe6 Bh6xf8 Ra8xf8
     18	12:37	  57.023.474	77.267	+4.21	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5 Nd7xc5 Bg5h6 Nc5e6
Bb3xe6 f7xe6 Bh6xf8 Ra8xf8
     19	30:26	 153.938.802	86.385	+4.31	Rc1xc5 Qc6xc5 Ne4xc5
   12/14/2005 7:45:32 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 03:49

3) Nxg5; c0 "Smagin,S-S
    Searching move: Nf3xg5
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): h2-h3
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:00	         256	8.192	-0.07	Bc1xg5
      3	00:01	       1.408	22.885	+0.21	h2h3
      4	00:01	       2.362	30.616	+0.26	h2h3
      5	00:01	       4.154	44.775	+0.26	h2h3 Bg4xf3
      6	00:01	       9.111	45.733	+0.34	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 Ke8f8
      7	00:01	      24.029	68.349	+0.39	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 Qd8d7 Ke1d2
      8	00:01	      63.660	77.145	+0.47	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 Rh8f8
      9	00:02	     109.021	79.344	+0.48	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 Rh8f8 f3f4
     10	00:03	     214.963	81.890	+0.52	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 Qd8d7 h3h4
     11	00:07	     510.201	83.165	+0.61	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 a7a5 Ke1d2
a5a4 h3h4
     12	00:13	   1.004.018	83.668	+0.65	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 a7a5 Ke1f2
Ke8d7 h3h4 Ng5f7
     13	00:24	   1.899.755	86.352	+0.57	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 f3f4 Ng5f7 Ke1d2
Ke8d7 Kd2c2 Kd7c8
     14	00:47	   3.702.956	82.287	+0.56	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 a7a5 Ke1d2
a5a4 h3h4 Ng5f7
     15	01:42	   7.985.480	80.661	+0.64	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 a7a5 Ke1d2
a5a4 h3h4 Ng5f7
     16	03:37	  16.472.513	78.068	+0.62	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Bc1e3 a7a5 Ke1f2
Ke8d7 Qd1a4 Kd7c8
     17	08:14	  37.454.080	77.705	+0.64	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 f3f4 Ng5f7 Ke1d2
a7a5 Kd2c2 a5a4
     18	17:45	  76.948.068	74.059	+0.70	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 f3f4 Ng5f7 Ke1d2
a7a5 Kd2c2 Ke8f8
     19	35:59	 153.033.800	72.631	+0.65	h2h3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3 g7g6 Ke1d2 a7a5 Kd2c2
Ng5f7 a2a4 Ke8d7
   12/14/2005 8:45:34 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 1:03:49

4) Nxe6; c0 "Keres,Paul
    Searching move: Nd4xe6
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Bh5-e2
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:00	         619	633.856	+0.35	Bh5e2
      3	00:00	         768	786.432	+0.49	Bg5xf6
      4	00:00	       1.224	78.336	+0.36	Bg5xf6
      4	00:00	       2.006	64.192	+0.49	Bh5e2
      5	00:00	       3.961	86.299	+0.47	Bh5e2 Qc4c5
      6	00:01	       7.447	81.124	+0.47	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2
      7	00:01	      14.024	83.491	+0.49	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 Bf8e7
      8	00:01	      32.712	79.376	+0.49	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 Bf8e7 f2f4
      9	00:02	      90.433	81.159	+0.45	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 Bf8e7 Rf1d1 h7h5
     10	00:03	     199.638	81.739	+0.48	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 Bf8e7 Rf1d1 h7h5 Nd4b3
     11	00:06	     481.708	81.572	+0.49	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 Bf8e7 Rf1d1 h7h5 Nd4b3
     12	00:15	   1.157.192	82.656	+0.44	Bh5e2 Qc4c5 Qd1d2 h7h6 Bg5xf6 Nd7xf6
Ra1b1 b7b5 Be2f3 b5b4
     13	01:04	   5.046.188	81.390	+0.45	Bh5e2 Qc4c7 a2a4 b7b6 f2f4 Bc8b7 f4f5
e6e5 Nd4e6 f7xe6
     14	01:50	   8.582.358	80.965	+0.44	Bh5e2 Qc4c7 a2a4 b7b6 Qd1d2 Bc8b7 Qd2e3
Bf8e7 f2f4 h7h5
     15	05:06	  23.072.812	77.425	+0.37	Bh5e2 Qc4c7 a2a4 b7b6 Qd1d2 Bc8b7 Qd2e3
Bf8e7 f2f4 h7h6
     16	09:50	  44.776.499	77.872	+0.38	Bh5e2 Qc4c7 a2a4 b7b6 Bg5xf6 Nd7xf6 f2f4
Bc8b7 Qd1d3 Qc7c5
     17	27:43	 122.801.359	75.616	+0.34	Bh5e2 Qc4c7 a2a4 b7b6 Qd1d2 Bc8b7 Qd2e3
Bf8e7 f2f4 Qc7c5
   12/14/2005 9:45:36 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 2:03:49

5) e5; c0 "Spassky,B-Pe
    Searching move: e4-e5
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Nc3-e2
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:02	         975	58.729	+0.16	a2a3
      4	00:02	       1.785	107.520	+0.13	a2a3
      4	00:02	       4.375	70.000	+0.25	Qg2h3
      5	00:02	       6.081	65.546	+0.24	Qg2h3 Qd8e7
      5	00:02	      12.644	63.158	+0.52	Nc3e2 g7g5
      6	00:02	      18.006	69.056	+0.50	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4
      7	00:02	      32.577	73.316	+0.55	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 Bd7xf5
      8	00:02	      71.980	74.754	+0.72	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4
      9	00:03	     109.121	77.651	+0.65	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4 e6e5
     10	00:05	     237.056	64.167	+0.85	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4 d6d5 e4e5
     11	00:07	     410.575	71.733	+0.85	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4 e6e5 Nd4e6
     12	00:13	     859.599	85.959	+0.98	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 g7g5 Bb3f7 Re8e7 Nf5xe7
Qd8xe7 Bf7b3 Ra8c8
     13	00:21	   1.565.554	86.975	+1.02	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 g7g5 Bb3f7 Re8e7 Nf5xe7
Qd8xe7 Bf7b3 Bf8g7
     14	00:42	   3.388.118	86.874	+1.11	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 g7g5 Bb3f7 Re8e7 Nf5xe7
Qd8xe7 Bf7b3 Bf8g7
     15	01:42	   8.073.081	82.378	+1.14	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4 Bf8g7 Nf4xe6
Bd7xe6 Nd4xe6 Qd8d7
     16	02:57	  13.848.499	80.985	+1.04	Nc3e2 g7g5 h2h4 g5g4 Ne2f4 Bf8g7 Nf4xe6
Bd7xe6 Bb3xe6 Qd8b6
     17	07:25	  34.251.883	79.103	+1.18	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 g7g5 Bb3f7 Re8e7 Nf5xe7
Qd8xe7 Bf7b3 Bd7c6
     18	14:57	  69.965.035	80.051	+1.46	Nc3e2 e6e5 Nd4f5 g7g5 Ne2c3 b7b5 h2h4
g5g4 Bb3f7 Ra8c8
     19	34:51	 164.366.294	80.571	+1.59	Nc3e2 e6e5
   12/14/2005 10:45:39 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:02, Rated time: 3:03:49

6) axb5; c0 "Malaniuk,V
    Searching move: a6xb5
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Nb8-d7
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:00	         919	58.816	-0.44	Nb8d7
      4	00:01	       3.635	47.116	-0.34	Nb8d7
      5	00:01	       7.717	56.044	-0.74	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8
      6	00:01	      14.720	53.451	-0.74	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3
      7	00:01	      26.873	53.329	-0.89	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6
      8	00:01	      51.421	50.243	-0.97	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
      9	00:02	      93.363	52.271	-1.06	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     10	00:04	     215.019	54.825	-1.14	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     11	00:10	     503.631	55.940	-1.20	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     12	00:19	   1.012.894	56.271	-1.18	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     13	00:38	   1.956.673	54.352	-1.27	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     14	01:51	   5.642.994	52.249	-1.17	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Qa4e8+
Qd8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kf8xe8 h3xg4
     15	03:51	  12.194.995	54.199	-0.92	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Nd6xb7
Bc8xb7 Qa4c2 c5xb4 h3xg4
     16	06:29	  20.773.569	54.811	-1.02	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Nd6xb7
Bc8xb7 Qa4c2 Nb6d7 h3xg4
     17	12:40	  39.474.760	53.200	-1.08	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Nd6xb7
Bc8xb7 Qa4c2 Nb6d7 h3xg4
     18	27:50	  82.925.626	50.874	-1.09	Nb8d7 Nb5d6+ Ke8f8 h2h3 Nd7b6 Nd6xb7
Bc8xb7 Qa4c2 Bf2g3 h3xg4
   12/14/2005 11:45:42 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 4:03:49

7) Rxd8+; id "Nolot.7,
    Searching move: Rd1xd8
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Rc7-b7
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:00	         293	300.032	+0.33	Rc7b7
      3	00:00	         619	39.616	+0.35	Rc7c2
      4	00:00	       1.401	44.832	+0.47	Rc7c2
      5	00:01	       3.784	49.048	+0.46	Rc7c2 Bd8e7
      6	00:01	       7.987	58.004	+0.43	Rc7c2 Bd8e7 h2h3
      7	00:01	      31.511	51.545	+0.39	Rc7c2 g7g5 g2g4 Qh5h4
      7	00:01	      41.209	51.904	+0.88	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5h4 Qb7c8
      8	00:02	      63.567	57.048	+0.97	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5h4 Qb7c8 Qh4e7
      9	00:02	     121.472	62.162	+1.59	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
     10	00:03	     182.386	67.521	+1.42	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4c5 Qe2b5
     11	00:05	     330.924	73.762	+1.58	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4
     12	00:10	     697.956	77.914	+2.47	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4 Qb5a4
     13	00:46	   3.351.503	76.170	+4.33	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4 Qb5a4
     14	01:01	   5.021.249	86.573	+4.21	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5h4 Ne3c4 Qh4e7
Nc4d6+ Ke8f8 Nd6xb5 Qe7xb7
     15	02:03	  10.955.876	92.066	+4.45	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4 Qb5a4
     16	03:07	  17.850.610	98.622	+4.45	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4 Qb5a4
     17	06:12	  35.828.296	98.700	+4.66	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5 Ne3c4 Bd8xb6+
     18	11:35	  65.313.303	96.332	+4.66	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7 Qe4xb7 Qh5e2 Bb2d4 Bb5d7
Bd4b6 Qe2b5
     19	27:02	 146.224.768	92.371	+4.73	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7
     20	57:22	 306.382.450	91.158	+4.45	Rc7b7 Rb8xb7
   12/15/2005 12:45:44 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 5:03:49

8) Bxh7+; c0 "Gufeld,E-
    Searching move: Bd3xh7
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Rd1-d2
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:01	         896	53.970	+0.47	b3b4
      3	00:01	       1.075	64.752	+0.50	g2g3
      3	00:01	       1.145	68.969	+0.62	c2c4
      4	00:01	       1.629	52.128	+0.56	c2c4
      5	00:01	       4.275	68.400	+0.55	c2c4 g7g6
      6	00:01	       8.855	71.964	+0.46	c2c4 g7g6 Bd3e4
      6	00:01	      13.463	36.665	+0.51	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5
      7	00:01	      26.226	50.480	+0.54	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7
      8	00:02	      62.622	56.949	+0.48	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7 Ra1b1
      9	00:03	     146.732	68.640	+0.56	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7 Ra1b1 e6e5
     10	00:04	     259.528	76.941	+0.54	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7 Bd3e2 Bf8c5 Ra1b1
     11	00:08	     530.013	76.830	+0.49	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7 Bd3e2 Bf8c5 Ra1b1
     12	00:19	   1.499.250	88.191	+0.39	b3b4 g7g6 b4b5 Bc6d7 Bd3e2 Bf8e7 Bf6xe7
Re8xe7 Qg4b4 Ra8e8
     13	00:52	   4.452.794	90.873	+0.36	b3b4 a7a6 a2a4 e6e5 b4b5 e5e4 Bd3e2
Re8e6 Bf6d4 Bc6d7
     13	01:16	   6.600.364	91.671	+0.38	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bf8g7 Be4xc6 b7xc6
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
     14	01:56	  10.286.408	91.842	+0.42	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bf8g7 Be4xc6 b7xc6
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
     15	03:04	  16.651.727	93.549	+0.36	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bc6xe4 Qg4xe4 Bf8g7
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
     16	06:38	  35.374.920	91.172	+0.36	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bf8g7 Be4xc6 b7xc6
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
     17	14:11	  76.043.513	91.618	+0.45	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bf8g7 Be4xc6 b7xc6
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
     18	24:06	 127.165.021	90.124	+0.36	Rd1d2 g7g6 Bd3e4 Bc6xe4 Qg4xe4 Bf8g7
Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 Ra1d1 Ra8d8
   12/15/2005 1:45:46 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 6:03:49

9) Ng5; c0 "Weinstein-E
    Searching move: Nf3-g5
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Ng4-f6
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      3	00:00	       1.266	40.512	-0.32	Rc1c2
      3	00:00	       2.020	64.640	-0.31	h4h5
      3	00:01	       3.442	55.072	-0.21	Ng4f6
      4	00:01	       5.192	67.298	-0.15	Ng4f6
      4	00:01	       5.718	61.634	+0.02	Rc1xc5
      5	00:01	       6.707	62.436	+0.02	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5
      6	00:01	       9.139	65.903	+0.86	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1
      7	00:01	      13.796	74.746	+0.86	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 h6h5
      8	00:01	      23.645	77.109	+0.81	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 h6h5 Ng4h2
      9	00:01	      48.712	77.696	+0.90	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 h6h5
     10	00:02	      85.604	82.385	+0.90	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 h6h5
     11	00:02	     173.107	88.586	+0.88	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 Ra8c8
Rc6a6 Ba7c5
     12	00:04	     340.352	90.290	+0.89	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 Ra8c8
Rc6a6 Ba7c5 h4h5
     13	00:10	     807.652	89.554	+0.41	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 a5a4
Nf3d2 Qa2xb2 Rc6a6 Qb2a1+
     14	00:31	   2.221.868	76.616	+0.20	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 a5a4
Nf3e1 h6h5 Rc6c7 Ba7b6
     15	01:10	   4.866.071	72.627	+0.31	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Rd1c1 Bc5a7 Rc1xc6 a5a4
Nf3e1 a4a3 Rc6a6 Qa2xb2
     16	08:33	  32.700.928	65.401	-0.02	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Qe2c2 Bc5a7 Qc2xc6 Qa2xb2
Nf3e1 Bh7f5 Bg2f3 h6h5
     16	13:01	  48.015.695	63.012	+0.48	Ng4f6 Ra8c8 Nf6xh7 Kh8xh7 Rc1a1 Qa2b3
Nf3d2 Qb3xb2 Rd1b1 Qb2c3
     17	16:59	  62.266.738	62.642	+0.33	Ng4f6 Ra8c8 Nf6xh7 Kh8xh7 Rc1a1 Qa2b3
Nf3d2 Qb3xb2 Rd1b1 Qb2c3
     18	30:45	 111.555.670	61.940	+0.18	Ng4f6 Ra8c8 Nf6xh7 Kh8xh7 Nf3d2 Kh7h8
Nd2e4 Nc5a4 Rd1d2 Nc6a7
   12/15/2005 2:45:49 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 7:03:49

10) Rxf7; c0 "Van der W
    Searching move: Rf1xf7
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Rf1xf7
    identical moves! Found in: 36:37
      3	00:00	         747	764.928	-0.71	Nd4f5
      3	00:00	       1.175	70.776	-0.62	Qd1d3
      4	00:00	       2.597	83.104	-0.63	Qd1d3
      4	00:01	       4.794	76.704	-0.41	a4a5
      5	00:01	       5.918	63.789	-0.31	a4a5 Qb6xb2
      6	00:01	       8.648	70.282	-0.41	a4a5 Qb6xb2 Qd1d3
      6	00:01	      16.384	66.841	-0.38	Bd5b3 Be7f6 Nc3d5
      7	00:01	      21.271	73.092	-0.37	Bd5b3 Be7f6 Nc3d5 Qb6c5
      8	00:01	      65.010	70.894	-0.35	Bd5b3 Be7g5 Nc3d5 Qb6a7 h2h4
      8	00:02	      90.796	69.958	-0.30	a4a5 Qb6xb2 Qd1d3 Be7f6 Qd3xe3
      9	00:02	     127.574	69.046	-0.21	a4a5 Qb6xb2 Qd1d3 Nd7e5 Qd3xe3 Qb2b4
     10	00:03	     203.294	71.218	-0.34	a4a5 Qb6xb2 Qd1d3 Nd7e5 Qd3xe3 Qb2b4
     11	00:08	     545.096	70.034	-0.37	a4a5 Qb6xb2 Qd1d3 Nd7e5 Qd3xe3 Qb2b4
Ra1b1 Qb4xa5
     11	00:11	     739.293	73.929	-0.23	Bd5b3 Be7g5 Nc3d5 Qb6a7 h2h4 Bg5xh4
Nd4f5 Bh4f6
     12	00:19	   1.326.024	73.668	-0.20	Bd5b3 Be7g5 Nc3d5 Qb6a7 h2h4 Bg5xh4
Nd4f5 Bh4f6 Qd1g4
     13	00:38	   2.605.668	72.379	-0.27	Bd5b3 Be7g5 Nc3d5 Qb6a7 h2h4 Bg5xh4
Nd4f5 Bh4f6 Qd1g4 Bf6xb2
     14	01:44	   7.274.105	72.741	-0.14	Bd5b3 Nd7f6 Qd1d3 Qb6c5 h2h3 Nf6h5
Qd3xe3 Be7f6 Nc3e2 Bf6e5
     15	02:36	  11.180.153	73.553	-0.18	Bd5b3 Nd7f6 Qd1d3 Qb6c5 h2h3 Nf6h5
Qd3xe3 Be7g5 Qe3f2 Bg5f6
     16	05:23	  22.793.174	72.589	-0.12	Bd5b3 Nd7f6 Qd1d3 Qb6c5 h2h3 Nf6h5
Qd3xe3 Be7f6 Nc3e2 Bf6e5
     17	11:13	  47.722.938	72.637	-0.09	Bd5b3 Nd7f6 Qd1d3 Qb6c5 h2h3 Nf6h5
Qd3xe3 Be7f6 Nc3e2 Bf6e5
     17	26:10	 101.090.113	65.985	+0.18	Bd5xf7+ Rf8xf7 Rf1xf7 Be7f6 Nc3d5
     17	36:37	 142.000.491	66.200	+1.88	Rf1xf7 Rf8xf7 Bd5xf7+ Kg8h8
     18	40:55	 159.862.828	66.720	+1.34	Rf1xf7 Rf8xf7 Bd5xf7+ Kg8h8
     19	53:00	 212.128.151	68.318	+1.84	Rf1xf7 Rf8xf7
   12/15/2005 3:45:51 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 7:40:26

11) Rxh6; c0 "Teichmann
    Searching move: Rg6xh6
    Best move (Rybka v1.0 Beta.w32): Rg6xh6
    identical moves! Found in: 00:24
      3	00:00	          44	45.056	-1.66	Bc4xe6
      4	00:00	         121	123.904	-2.34	Bc4xe6
      5	00:00	         598	36.020	-5.32	Bc4xe6 d7xe6
      6	00:01	       3.863	50.072	-5.32	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6
      7	00:01	       6.905	56.116	-5.29	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6 Qd6e7
      8	00:01	      16.663	72.608	-4.92	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Qg4h4 Bc8b7 d2d3
      9	00:01	      31.546	82.405	-5.29	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6 Qd6e7 Qg4h4 Nf7g5
     10	00:01	      61.626	96.050	-5.32	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6 Qd6e7 Rf6xf4 e5xf4
Qg4xf4 Nf7g5 Qf4f8+ Qe7xf8
     11	00:05	     418.169	91.948	-2.12	Bc4xe6 Nf4xe6 Qg4h4 Qd6c5 Rg1f1 Ne6g5
d2d3 Bc8b7
     12	00:07	     549.704	90.951	-1.80	Bc4xe6 Nf4xe6 Qg4h4 Qd6c5 Rg1f1 Ne6f4
d2d4 Qc5b6 Qh4f6
     13	00:10	     852.375	92.627	-1.85	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6 Qd6e7 Qg4h4 Bc8b7
Rf6xf4 Qe7xh4 Rf4xh4 Nf7g5
     14	00:12	   1.098.540	99.867	-1.62	Bc4xe6 d7xe6 Rg6f6 Qd6e7 Qg4h4 Bc8b7
Rf6xf4 Qe7xh4 Rf4xh4 Nf7g5
     14	00:24	   1.983.048	90.138	-0.91	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Nf4g6 Rg1xg6 Qd6f8
     15	00:51	   4.103.424	83.743	-0.26	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 Bc4xe6+ Nd8xe6
     16	01:30	   7.653.562	87.971	-0.10	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 h6h7+ Kg8f7
     17	02:41	  14.273.622	91.497	 0.00	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 h6h7+ Kg8f7
     18	04:42	  25.403.734	92.377	 0.00	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 h6h7+ Kg8f7
     19	08:28	  45.834.405	92.594	 0.00	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 h6h7+ Kg8f7
     20	16:19	  84.176.663	88.143	 0.00	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6 Qg4g5 Nh6f7 Qg5d8+ Nf7xd8
h5h6 Qd6d4 h6h7+ Kg8f7
     21	33:11	 162.353.650	83.515	 0.00	Rg6xh6 Nf7xh6
   12/15/2005 4:45:53 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:01, Rated time: 7:40:50

4 of 11 matching moves
12/15/2005 4:45:54 AM, Total time: 11:00:29 AM
Rated time: 7:40:50 = 27650 Seconds

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

Current Computer Chess Club Forums at Talkchess. This site by Sean Mintz.