Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: How can CC be MORE like a Hobby?? Please explain n/t

Author: Zheng Zhixian

Date: 02:24:06 01/06/06

Go up one level in this thread

On January 05, 2006 at 12:27:04, Fernando Villegas wrote:

Dear Fernando

I'm looking at your response and comparing to your supporter Rolf (who supports
you for other reasons) and I'm surprised to say that for once, I understand what
Rolf is trying to say more than you.

He's saying you are right because you are a old man! :P

Altough he keeps going on and on about Amercian generals which probably makes
more sense if I had read those threads and if i know more american and world

>In effect, in this ocasion as in others, you go right to cut my throath  -not to
>refute the specifics of my post-

What 'specifics' of your post? Your view of life and what is important? Your
view of what CCC should be? The correct amount of Humor that is needed? That
Steve is brillant?

Do you really think that such subjective view points can be refuted ? Or should

You can choose to value what you like in life, but when you insist everyone else
should do so ,or else they are fools, i think the 'lecturer', needs to be

>and say something about me, not so much about
>just the post: you say I am an old man that pretend to lecture everyone, enraged
>when opposed in his views, hidding behind an only faked sense of humor,
>protected by the power in being, a man that puts standards of values  only from
>his narrow point of view, his passions or lack of them, etc.

Exactly. Which one is false in your view? You definitely love to lecture people
playing a grand old man , I'm hardly the first to point this out. And you admit
it yourself. As for the rest it's a interpretation that you might choose to
reject because of your pride. Or it might be wrong.

>It is clearly a total, overall negative judgement.

Ah dear Fernando. You take things too seriously, or with 'mock seriousness' as
you might call it. Can't you detect the irony in my post? The humour?

But no, I'm deadly serious. Though I suspect people who take the internet and CC
as a 'hobby' (even beyond the way you do Fernando) someone who thinks the
internet is a trival game, could possibly take this stance. A 'super/hyper
Fernando' if you will who thinks getting angry about what someone writes on the
internet is pretty funny. All that mock seriousness. LOL

>How can you do that with such naive nerve?

The same way you can lecture people about politics, seriousness, lack of humor
etc. The main difference of course is that you dare to generalise it to the
whole or majority of CC which is a very bold assumption while I merely restrict
my analysis to one man who has a proven history trackrecord and in unguarded
movements even agrees to my interpretion...

>Do you really believe that your vision of me is one and the only right one?
>That, then, the vision of other guys here is enterily faulty? Or that I have
>hipnotized everyone here except you and a bunch of alert souls?

No doubt some might by "hynotised" by you as you say, but my guess is the
majority think you are irrelvant at best, harmless at worse. Not enough to worth
making a stink about, altough some eventually do (which is how this censorship
started?). Your propensity to lecture is hardly a big secret.

And the irony of you starting a thread to tell everyone to lighten up, when you
yourself is in serious need of it, has being commented upon by more than just

Do you think
>that with some snippets of a person taken from a localized area of his life and
>taken, as you do, from a primeval sense of dislike, you can make such a

Well, given that you have no problems making equalavant judgements on a
majority of CCC (eg. what is your judgement about the people who compared about
you? Calling them fools and assholes....) I think my task is easier by far since
I comment only on one man.

Don't like it when your own weapons are turned against you? :)

>But let us suppose you are right in everything.
>Then, my question is: if I am so a despicable straw man, why you insist once and
>again in reading my stuff and then jumping to repeat your already old, known
>anti-Villegas tirade?

Let me turn back the question: Why do you insist once and again upon answering
my posts? Why do insist once and again in reading stuff about CC you are not
interested in and start making threads about the trivialness of CC posts and
jumping in to your already old, known anti-CC tirade?

Why your posts irriates me more than some other stuff, is a interesting question
in a way, i suppose to some people who care (not many since I'm no celebrity).
I'm not sure why myself. Why I enjoy playing "Villegas's Villega" Any ideas? :)

But to be fair, I'm not one of those who complained about your posts. Neither do
I necessarily agree with the censorship of your posts. But when you set yourself
up to be mocked by starting a thread, the irony is irresistable.

>I have also some people here that I do not like too much. Perhaps I would like
>them in other areas of life if I ever meet them, but not about what they does
>But then, I simply do not read his stuff and I do not think in them, exception
>made if they attack me or complain about me.

I suppose you don't quite like all the trival talk about certain subjects, the
way they react and so on right? Why not just not reading? Why feel the need to
lecture everyone....

As usual, you set up rules for others to follow, and don't notice when you break
the same rules yourself. Maybe celebrities are used to having special

You mock others but react angrily when mocked...
You tell others to stop reading posts they don't like, yet you continual launch
triages by starting new threads against posts you don't like...

And as much his complains has to do
>with my way to come here and make some jokes -not all the time-, then I retort
>doing the same as a riposte. They critizise my "off topic" banter and I
>critizice his deadly seriousness about a hobby.

To be fair Ferando, this crusade of yours against "deadly seriouness" is hardly
a new thing and extends before this censorship thing. And it seems, I'm not the
only one who has noticed and is irriated by it.

>I wonder
>why, beyond the reasons you offers...and always, again, in a global style that
>does not leave nothing to save in my entire person.

LOL Hardly. I do not say you are a evil,greedy man. I apologise if you go away
thinking so. I'm sure you have redeeming qualities but i do not comment on them
because that's another matter. What's I'm commenting on is your need to lecture
everyone, your pride/ego (undoubtedly common among 'celebrities') that is
showing masked only lightly by humor. A defense mechanism you use when
challenged, and which you probably believe it yourself.

That hardly makes you evil lol. And I make my sins , for example my urge to
lecture the lecturer.... Does that make me evil?

>I wonder, then, what bad feelings or experiences you have had that I awaken on a
>daily base without knowing about it.

For sure I dislike know-it alls, people who take upon themselves the right to
lecture everybody else, even one who cloaks it in humor and irony. It disturbs
me more than other people I freely admit. Why that is so, I do not know. And
certainly you have not offended me personally, so my dislike of you and my
analysis of you stems not from history.

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