Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: only the two best computerprograms are finding Topalov´s move of today.

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 18:26:11 01/19/06

Go up one level in this thread

On January 19, 2006 at 16:23:48, Thomas Lagershausen wrote:

>Topalovos´s game in Corus of today:
>[D]r2qk2r/1pp1bpp1/p1n3b1/P1n3P1/3pPB1p/1B1P1N1P/1P1N1P2/2RQR1K1 w kq - 0 1
>white´s position is a little bit uncomfortable, but Topalov 20.Rxc5! Bxc5 21.Ba4
>saves him the draw.
>Only Rybka and Fruit 2.2 are strong enough to see the move of the master on

Analysis from e:\rxc5.epd
1/19/2006 5:56:28 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Glaurung

1) Rxc5;
    Searching move: Rc1xc5
    Best move (Glaurung): Rc1xc5
    identical moves! Found in: 02:03
     2/16	00:01	       1.068	1.068	+0.31	Nf3e5 Nc5xb3 Qd1xb3 Nc6xa5
     3/16	00:01	       1.379	1.379	+0.31	Nf3e5 Nc5xb3 Qd1xb3 Nc6xa5
     4/20	00:01	       6.078	5.889	+0.10	Nf3e5 Bg6h5 f2f3 Nc6xa5
     5/20	00:01	      13.192	12.599	+0.07	Nf3e5 Bg6h5 Ne5xc6 Bh5xd1 Nc6xd8
Bd1xb3 Nd2xb3 Nc5xb3
     6/20	00:01	      32.527	29.303	+0.07	Nf3e5 Bg6h5 Ne5xc6 Bh5xd1 Nc6xd8
Bd1xb3 Nd2xb3 Nc5xb3
     7/22	00:01	      80.464	66.008	+0.21	Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 Bf4xe5 Nc5xd3 Be5xc7
Qd8d7 Bb3a4
     8/22	00:01	     123.476	92.978	-0.54	Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 Bf4xe5 Nc5xd3 Be5xg7
Nd3xc1 Bg7xh8 Nc1xb3 Nd2xb3
     8/22	00:01	     267.772	157.143	-0.39	Qd1e2 Nc6xa5 Bb3d5 c7c6 Bd5a2 Nc5e6
Ba2xe6 f7xe6
     9/22	00:02	     408.265	197.898	-0.48	Qd1e2 Nc5xb3 Nd2xb3 Bg6h5 Rc1xc6
Bh5xf3 Qe2xf3 b7xc6 Bf4e5
    10/25	00:03	     919.311	285.589	-0.32	Qd1e2 Nc6xa5 Bb3d5 c7c6 b2b4 c6xd5
b4xc5 d5xe4 Nd2xe4 00 Nf3xh4 Bg6xe4 Qe2xe4 Be7xg5
    11/25	00:05	   1.641.926	332.508	-0.32	Qd1e2 Nc6xa5 Bb3d5 c7c6 b2b4 c6xd5
b4xc5 d5xe4 Nd2xe4 00 Nf3xh4 Bg6xe4 Qe2xe4 Be7xg5
    12/28	00:09	   3.436.461	374.627	-0.64	Qd1e2 Nc5xb3 Nd2xb3 Bg6h5 Rc1xc6
Bh5xf3 Qe2xf3 b7xc6 g5g6 f7xg6 Bf4e5 Rh8f8
    12/33	00:12	   4.726.288	390.279	-0.53	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Bb3a4 Bc5d6 e4e5 Bd6e7
Qd1b3 Ra8a7 Qb3c4 00 Ba4xc6 b7xc6 Nf3xh4
    12/33	00:20	   8.317.986	400.249	-0.50	Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 Bf4xe5 Qd8d7 Kg1h2 f7f6
g5xf6 g7xf6 Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Be5xf6 Bg6h5
    13/33	00:26	  10.919.660	407.708	-0.53	Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 Bf4xe5 Qd8d7 Be5xg7
Rh8g8 Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Qd1c2 Qd7xh3 Qc2xc5 Qh3g4+ Kg1h1 Rg8xg7 Qc5xc7 Qg4xg5 Qc7xb7
    14/37	01:04	  26.050.963	405.841	-0.67	Nf3e5 Nc6xe5 Bf4xe5 Qd8d7 Kg1h2 f7f6
Be5f4 f6xg5 Bf4e5 Rh8h5 Bb3d5 g5g4 Be5xd4 Nc5xd3 h3xg4 Nd3xe1 g4xh5
    14/37	02:03	  49.807.413	404.767	-0.62	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Bb3d5 Qd8d7 Bd5xc6
Qd7xc6 Nf3e5 Bg6h5 Ne5xc6 Bh5xd1 b2b4 Bc5f8 Nc6xd4 Ra8d8 Re1xd1 Rd8xd4
    15/37	02:18	  56.275.997	407.041	-0.59	Rc1xc5 Be7xc5 Bb3d5 Qd8d7 Bd5xc6
Qd7xc6 Nf3e5 Bg6h5 Ne5xc6 Bh5xd1 Re1xd1 b7xc6 Nd2b3 Bc5d6 Bf4xd6 c7xd6 Nb3xd4
   1/19/2006 6:12:24 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 02:03

1 of 1 matching moves
1/19/2006 6:12:24 PM, Total time: 12:15:56 AM
Rated time: 02:03 = 123 Seconds

This page took 0 seconds to execute

Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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