Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Bitboard vs Offset again ! now after Rybka

Author: Vasik Rajlich

Date: 07:45:22 01/21/06

Go up one level in this thread

On January 20, 2006 at 12:24:58, Chan Rasjid wrote:

>On January 20, 2006 at 09:02:11, Vasik Rajlich wrote:
>>>static const u64 kDzE4 = 0x0000382838000000;
>>>static const u64 nDzE4 = 0x0028440044280000;
>>>u64 getNMap(int sq){
>>> static const u64 nMask[2] = {FILE_3TO8, FILE_1TO6};
>>> if (sq >= E4)
>>> return (nDzE4 << (sq - E4)) & nMask[FILE64(sq) - 4 >> 31 & 1];
>>> return (nDzE4 >> (E4 - sq)) & nMask[FILE64(sq) - 4 >> 31 & 1];
>>>u64 getKMap(int sq){
>>> static const u64 kMask[2] = {FILE_2TO8, FILE_1TO7};
>>> if (sq >= E4)
>>> return (kDzE4 << (sq - E4)) & kMask[FILE64(sq) - 4 >> 31 & 1];
>>> return (kDzE4 >> (E4 - sq)) & kMask[FILE64(sq) - 4 >> 31 & 1];
>>>Pawns are simple.
>>I'm a little confused as to what exactly you're doing in the above code. For
>>example, getting knight target squares is best done via simply:
>>unsigned int64 knight_targets = knight_target_array [knight_sq] &
>The reason is I learn / over-learn from Fruit's code and after reading some
>articles about "locality of references". u64 knight_target_array [64] == 4 x 128
>bytes. My getNMap() superficially seems ok, by shifting and masking the N-map of
>square E4. Fruit's codes seem not to like jumping about a large address space
>and tries to work within  128 bytes; any far variables are "copied" as local at
>start of domove(), etc...

Aha, it's what I was afraid of :)

>>Anyway, it's not clear that an incremental approach is faster - and it's a hell
>>of a lot messier. I just compute everything when I need it.
>I think "a lot messier" is psychological. I did it very smoothly without any
>major hitch and all about 300 lines not counting 100 lines of asserts.
>My debug auoplay plays 100+ games an all asserts(30%) cleared.
>When I was doing my 16x16 domove() and undomove(), it gave greater problems.
>There is no incremental updates for P/N/K as long as the full maps inclusive of
>all terminal pieces are retained. Only on extracting moves do we do an
> & ~same_color_piece otherwise it mess up incremental codes.
>The seemingly messy incremental is for the sliding pieces. A loop for 4 types is
>done - bishop, rook, Q-as-B, Q-as-R and the codes are the same except for minor
>differences. Again all terminal pieces have to be retained otherwise it may mess
>up incremental codes. I post my sliding incremental codes below. I only have not
>tested if it is fast as the extracting moves part is not completed. Those who
>know asm may guess if it's ok.

Aha, thanks for the code. I can't really dig into it right now, but will keep it
for future reference. At some point I may try an incremental approach in Rybka.
Somehow though I doubt it will give more than a few % speedup (if any).
Computing attacks from scratch with bitboards is a pretty straightforward


>>>3) QS move generation - In the past debate, it seemed no one mentioned this.
>>>   90% of all nodes are QS nodes. Getting BB captures are the simplest. With
>>>offset we still have to start from the targets and test by sliding thru empty
>>>squares etc. So BB here may have a significantly influential advantage. Is this
>>>the "secret of Rybka" ?
>>I don't know that it's really possible to compare board representations, and a
>>few % speedup isn't all that important. Bitboards are certainly very elegant
>>when it comes to various forms of "selective move generation".
>>>Best Regards,
>My main incremenatal generation for sliding pieces :-
>#ifndef		 STACK_H
>#define		STACK_H
>const int B_Slide = 0;
>const int R_Slide = 1;
>const int DirDiag7 = 0;
>const int DirDiag9 = 1;
>const int DirVert = 0;
>const int DirHorz = 1;
>//same for p / b
>const int DirStep[2][2] = {//[b/r][dir-index]
> 15,  17,
> 16,   1
>struct pkMove_t {//sz 16
> u64 bb;// bit and piece have a 1-1 relation for both P/N, so may delete on
>//update also in dirDeleted
> u64 bal;
> // to get bit, shift back to bits[c][Pawns]
>struct nMove_t {//sz 24
> int from;
> int nPC;
> u64 bb;// bit and piece have a 1-1 relation for both P/N, so may delete on
>//update also in dirDeleted
> u64 bal;
>//size =  48 byte
>// b/r need 1 element per pc; q need 2 element  per pc.
>struct brMove_t {//also for king ?
> int from;
> int padding;
> u64 bb[2];// the brq paths with terminal pcs.
> u64 dir[2];//full b/r direction bits
> u64 bal;//==  bb[0] | bb[1], 2 disjoint sets
> //u64 bbFrom == bb[0] & bb[1]
>struct moveStack_t {
> brMove_t brq[4][4][1];//[ind][pc >>1, 0 = qR, 1 = b, 2 = r, 3 = qB]
> brMove_t kQ[2];//must same type to pass as ptr.
> pkMove_t pk[4][1];
> nMove_t n[4][1];
> u64 kN;//King as N
> int nN;
> int nB;
> int nR;
> int nQ;
> u64 padding1;
> note - pclist index corrupts by search, so cannot use as index to stack-move
>	*/
>//non recursive search stack
>struct  stack_t {
> move_t	moveStack[moveStackSize];//tmp, only for 16x16 to debug BB
> move_t	pv[MaxHeight];
> moveStack_t bbMoveStack[1];//8 x 128 BB move stack
> moveStack_t buf[1];//8 x 128 , save at node start, restore on undo
> u64 bits[2][8];
> undo_t undo[1];//128 byte
> u64 * allBits;
> int depth;
> int alpha;
> int beta;
> int best;
> int bestType;
> move_t bestMove;
> int pvLength;
> move_t * pCurrentMove;
> //buffer - save at domove, restore on undomove; todo - may eliminate ?
> sq_t sqFrom;//1st in order
> sq_t sqCaptureEP;
> sq_t sqFromCastleRook;
> int fExt;
> int flag;
> int incheck;
> int nGeneratedMove;
> int	nMoveDone;
> //follow 3 pulled out of undo, so undo sz == 128 byte
>  u64	hashKey;
>  u64	pawnHashKey;
> int promotePc;
> int preAlpha;
> int pad1;
>bool_t genIncrementalBB(board_t * board, stack_t * pS, move_t m, incheck_t *
>incheck, sq_t sqCaptureEP, const int c, const int side, u64 all){
> static const int DirStep[2][2] = {//[b/r][dir-index]
>  15,  17, // b / q-asB
> 16,    1  //r / q-as-R
> int i, j;
> moveStack_t * const pMS = pS->bbMoveStack;
> brMove_t *pElem;
> const int *lp, loopPc[] = {// 7 == King as Queen
>  1,  2, 3,  7,  0
> };
> int	nK = 1;
> int * const nBRQ[] = {
>  0,
>  &pMS->nB,//no  of bishop
>  &pMS->nR,
>  &pMS->nQ,
>  0,
>  0,
>  0,
>  &nK
>	};
>//todo - tmp, some available from bbDoMove();
> u64 u;
> u64 bbTo = SQ_BB(TO(m));
> u64 bbFrom = SQ_BB(FROM(m));
> u64 bbCapture = 0;
> u64 bbEP_Capture = 0;
> u64 * pAttackBB = board->undo->attackBB[c];
> memset( board->undo->attackBB[c], 0 , sizeof(board->undo->attackBB[c]));
> assert(all & bbTo);
> if (!IS_MOVE_CAPTURE(m)){
>  if (!IS_MOVE_EP(m));
>  else{
>   bbEP_Capture = SQ_BB(side ? TO(m) - RankStep : TO(m) + RankStep);
>  }
> }else{
>  bbCapture = bbTo;
> }
> lp = loopPc;
> do{
> //pc = *lp << 1;
> for ( i = *nBRQ[*lp] - 1; i >= 0; i--){
>  j = *lp;// has continue after j = 0
>  j < 7 ? (pElem = pMS->brq[i][j]) : (pElem = pMS->kQ); // j == 7  for K-as Q
>  u = pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1];
>  assert(pElem->bb[0]);
>  assert(pElem->bb[1]);
>  assert(u == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>  assert((pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]) == pElem->bal);
>  assert(j == 3 ? pElem->from == pMS->brq[i][0]->from : 1);
> if (TO(m) != pElem->from){//may be capt of others
>  if (u & all);//include cstl rook
>  else{
> //now the pc moves, get full
> assert(c == side);
> assert(IS_SQ_EMPTY(board->sq[pElem->from]));
> if (j == 7)//dont mix- when the king moves; here allow only castle rook
> continue;
> if (!IS_MOVE_CSTL(m))
> pElem->from = TO(m);
> else{//cstl rook
>  assert(j == 2);
>  assert(TO(m) - FROM(m) & 2);
>  pElem->from  = TO(m) - (TO(m) - FROM(m) >> 1);
> }
> if (j&1){// bs / q
>  getBAttackBB_SQ64(pElem, SQ_TO64(pElem->from),
>  SQ_BB(pElem->from), all);
>  assert(pElem->bal == getBMap_SQ(pElem->from, all));
>  *(pAttackBB + (j << 1)) |= pElem->bal;
> }
> if ( j & 2){
>  if (j == 2);
>  else{
>   pElem = pMS->brq[i][0];//qR
>  pElem->from = TO(m);
> }
> getRAttackBB_SQ64(pElem, SQ_TO64(pElem->from), SQ_BB(pElem->from), all);
> assert(pElem->bal == getRMap_SQ(pElem->from, all));
> *(pAttackBB + (j << 1)) |= pElem->bal;
>assert(pElem->bal == (pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>continue;//next pc same type
> assert(bbFrom != (pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1]));//not moved
> assert(bbTo != (pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1]));//not captured
>  if ( !(pElem->bal & (bbTo ^ bbCapture)) ){//usual not a cut
>   if ( j < 3 || bbCapture);//ok, also for qR	j == 0
>   else {
>     j < 7 ? (pElem = pMS->brq[i][j = 0]) : (j = 0, pElem++);//qR
>     assert((pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1]) == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>     assert((pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]) == pElem->bal);
>     u = pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1];
>      assert(u == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>     //must loop to do q-as rook
>      goto Q_ROOK_CUT;
>   }
>  }else {// now there is somthing to cut
>   u64 *pBB;
>   assert(u == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>   pBB = pElem->bb;
>   if (*pBB & bbTo);
>   else {
>    pBB++;
>    assert(*pBB & bbTo);
>   }
>   pElem->bal ^= *pBB;
>   if (bbTo < u){
>    *pBB &= BITS_GE(bbTo);
>  }else{
>   assert(bbTo > u);
>   assert( bbTo & BITS_G(u));
>   *pBB &= BITS_LE(bbTo);
>  }
>  pElem->bal |= *pBB;
>#ifdef	_DEBUG
>			if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>			else{
>				printBB("B-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("BB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);
>			}
> }
> if ( j );
> else{
>  j = *lp;//reset
>  j < 7 ? (pElem = pMS->brq[i][j] ) : (pElem = pMS->kQ);
>  u = pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1];
> }
>// may NOT both cut and ext	1 dir; diff dir ok
> if ( !(pElem->bal & bbFrom) ){//usual not an ext
>  if ( j < 3);//ok, also for qR	j == 0
>  else {
>    j < 7 ? (pElem = pMS->brq[i][j = 0]) : (j = 0, pElem++);//qR
>     assert((pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1]) == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>     assert((pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]) == pElem->bal);
>     u = pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1];
>     assert(u == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>   //loop to ext q-as-rook
>    goto Q_ROOK_EXT;
>  }
> }else{
>   i64 lb_ub, v;
>   u64 *pBB, *pDir;
>   assert(u == SQ_BB(pElem->from));
>   pDir = pElem->dir;
>   pBB = pElem->bb;
>   if (*pDir & bbFrom);
>   else {//ext
>     pDir++;
>     pBB++;
> assert(*pBB & bbFrom);
> if (bbFrom < u){
>  lb_ub = 1;
>  if ( !(v =  all & *pDir & BITS_L(u)) );
>  else {
>   while ( v & v - 1){
>    v &= v - 1;
>   }
>   lb_ub = v & -v;//lb
>  //	( i - j ) > 0  has 1's in bit j and the intervening bits
>  *pBB |= *pDir & (u - lb_ub);// w/o u ok
>  }else{
>  lb_ub = 0x8000000000000000;
>  assert(bbFrom > u);
>  v =  *pDir & all & BITS_GE(bbFrom);
>  if ( v &= -v ){
>   lb_ub = v;//ub
>  }
>  *pBB |= *pDir & ((lb_ub - u) | lb_ub);
> }
> pElem->bal |= *pBB;
>#ifdef	_DEBUG
>			if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>			else{
>				printBB("R-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);
>			}
> }
> if (bbEP_Capture == 0);
>   else {//rare special ep case
>   if (bbFrom != bbEP_Capture){
>   bbFrom = bbEP_Capture;//may release ext
>   j = *lp;//reset
>   j < 7 ? (pElem = pMS->brq[i][j] ) : (pElem = pMS->kQ);
>   u = pElem->bb[0] & pElem->bb[1];
>   goto Q_ROOK_EXT;
>  }
>  bbFrom = SQ_BB(FROM(m));//reset
> }
>//no need reset j
>#ifdef	_DEBUG
>//may assert get map only after	all cut, extent.
>	j = *lp;//reset
>	if (j == 1){
>	if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>	else{
>		printBB("B-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>		printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>		assert(0);
>	}
>	db_u1 = getBMap_SQ(pElem->from, all);
>	if (db_u1 == pElem->bal);
>	else{
>		printBB("B-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>		printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>		assert(0);
>	}
>      }
>		if (j == 2){
>			if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>			else{
>				printBB("R-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);
>			}
>			db_u1 = getRMap_SQ(pElem->from, all);
>			if (db_u1 == pElem->bal);
>			else{
>				printBB("R-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);// when EP
>			}
>		}
>		if (j >= 3){
>			if (j == 3)
>			pElem = pMS->brq[i][3];
>			else
>			pElem = pMS->kQ;
>			if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>			else{
>				printBB("qB-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);
>			}
>			db_u1 = getBMap_SQ(pElem->from, all);
>			if (db_u1 == pElem->bal);
>			else{
>				printBB("qB-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);//bal has error, miss end-pc in all
>			}
>			if (j == 3)
>			pElem = pMS->brq[i][0];
>			else
>			pElem++;// = pMS->kQ;
>			if (pElem->bal == (db_u1 = pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>			else{
>				printBB("qR-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);
>			}
>			db_u1 = getRMap_SQ(pElem->from, all);
>			if (db_u1 == pElem->bal);
>			else{
>				printBB("qR-bal", pElem->bal, all);
>				printBB("getBB", db_u1, all);
>				assert(0);//bal has error, miss end-pc in all
>			}
>		}
>//end debug
>//sum th attacks of same type
> if (j == 1 || j == 2)
> *(pAttackBB + (j << 1)) |= pElem->bal;
> else if (*lp == 3)
>  *(pAttackBB + Queen) |= pMS->brq[i][3]->bal | pMS->brq[i][0]->bal;
>//NOT when a capture move
> if (c != side && *lp < 7){
>  pElem = pMS->brq[i][*lp];
>  assert(pElem->bal == (pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>  if (pElem->bal & board->bits[side][King]){
>   assert(brqAttack88(board, board->piece[side][0], c));
>   return False;
>  }
> assert(*lp == 3 ? (pElem - 3)->bal == ((pElem - 3)->bb[0] | (pElem - 3)->bb[1])
> : 1);
>  if (*lp == 3 && (pElem - 3)->bal & board->bits[side][King]){
>    assert((pElem - 3)->bal == ((pElem - 3)->bb[0] | (pElem - 3)->bb[1]));
>    assert( pElem - 3 == pMS->brq[i][0]);
>    assert(brqAttack88(board, board->piece[side][0], c));
>    return False;
>   }
>  }
> }else{//this pc captured. delete
>   assert(j < 7);
>   assert(c != side);
>   assert(IS_MOVE_CAPTURE(m));
>   assert(SQ_PIECE(sqCaptureEP) == (j << 1));
>   debug_nCapture++;
>   (*nBRQ[j])--;
>   assert(*nBRQ[j]	>= 0);
>   if (*nBRQ[j] == 0 || *nBRQ[j] == i);
>   else{//pMS->nBRQ now last index
>  //dele pc and swap pc of last index
>   *pElem = *pMS->brq[*nBRQ[j]][j];//swap last
>    if ( j < 3 );
>    else
>    *pMS->brq[i][0] = *pMS->brq[*nBRQ[j]][0];//swap last q-as-R
>    assert(IS_SQ_ON(board->sq[pElem->from]));
>    assert(TO(m) != pElem->from);
>    assert(SQ_PIECE(board->sq[pElem->from]) == (j << 1));
>    assert(SQ_COLOR(board->sq[pElem->from]) == c);
>   }
>   assert(pElem->bal == (pElem->bb[0] | pElem->bb[1]));
>  }
>  //next pc of same type
>  }//for
> }while ( *++lp );
>//etc.. trivial for P / n / K
>return True;

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