Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Tablebase exits?

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 14:42:46 05/29/99

Go up one level in this thread

On May 29, 1999 at 17:13:59, James T. Walker wrote:

>How do you exit the tablebases when the next tablebase is missing?  For example:
> In KQPKQ when the pawn reaches the 8th rank and upon promotion is captured by
>the opposing Queen.  This is not in the KQPKQ tablebase so how do you force the
>program to make the pawn move which actually drops out of the "safety" of the
>tablebase?  Since the KQQKQ tablebase was missing as was the KQK tablebase.
>The reason I ask is I saw one program reach "Mate in 13" but played about 6
>moves around the mate in 13 area before pushing the pawn and making progress.
>Jim Walker

This is a problem.  And this is why I _always_ tell anyone using my code
that if you get a k?pk? database, you _must_ get all the promotion cases
for that P as well.  Anything less simply doesn't work.

For krpkr, you need krnkr, krbkr, krrkr and kqrkr.  If any are missing,
it will screw things up.

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