Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Distressing Quotes

Author: James Robertson

Date: 13:33:08 06/12/99

Go up one level in this thread

On June 12, 1999 at 15:24:33, Frank Schneider wrote:

>On June 12, 1999 at 14:33:42, James Robertson wrote:
>>These are some of the distressing things testers have said about my program.
>>Does anybody else recieve emails with stuff like this in them?
>>"... that is great to analyze mistakes and other mystical things with JRCP."
>>"Sometimes JRCP neglects the evolution of it's chessmen."
>Constructive criticism isn't that bad.
>>"I can't believe my eyes [Rhg1??]. This is remembering the early days of
>>computer chess."
>... or the early days of a program
>>"There is certainly something wrong with King safety."
>>"JRCP draws with LambChop. After analyzing the game, I saw JRCP gives stalemate
>>in a total lost position. This is certainly a strange way to get a 1/2 point."
>>"All other programs were playing Qxd8. YOUR program plays Kxd8, somewhat
>>"It seems JRCP does not know about King safety."
>>"Today I have prepared a testsuite from blunder-games of JRCP."
>That is the best that can happen to you. Could you ask him/her to prepare
>a similar testsuite for Gromit?
>>"> Big bug in King safety fixed.
>>Is it?"

All of the advice was excellent.

The blunder testsuite was one of the best things that happened to my program.
When I fixed the bad moves in the blundersuite, my program played much, much
better. I am now asking people to instead of send me games that my program
played, send me positions that my program goofed on. I think I will be able to
improve my program more rapidly that way.


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