Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CST time control violation (was: Re: 99 Summer update....)

Author: James T. Walker

Date: 04:59:00 08/20/99

Go up one level in this thread

On August 19, 1999 at 22:34:36, Thorsten Czub wrote:

>On August 19, 1999 at 21:35:30, James T. Walker wrote:
>>Hello again,
>>I'm sure you understood that it is beyond my comprehension that someone would
>>write a chess program that ignores the time control and thereby loses on time.
>I am sure this is beyond, yes. :-)
>>It's obviously very easy to make a program make one move in 4:33 since they can
>>play entire games in less time than that.  It is an advantage that computers
>>have over humans so to equate the two is wrong.  Humans have certain limitations
>>with hand eye coordination.  If losing is considered human like then you have
>>reached your goal.  That is not the goal of most humans however.
>Although this is not the goal, i am sure programs doing this will be more loved
>than programs that do not lose.

Do you actually believe that losing on time with a "won" position will make
people love CSTal?  Now I'm sure of your comprehension.  No smiley face.

>programs that do always win are uninteresting for most humans.
>they need an opponent they cannot be sure that the sac works when
>the opponent sacs. if they play against a program that always wins
>and the sac is no sac it is calculated tactics, humans will IMO lose
>interest. because they have no chances at all and they fight
>a calculator.
>even fritz has special modes where it makes mistakes. why ?

If this was a special mode of CSTal then it would also be acceptable.  Problem
is it is just sloppy programing and you're trying to excuse it as some form of

>>I appreciate your confession here.  I was not aware of the Oxford philosiphy of
>>losing is good when I purchased the program.  By the way Hiarcs 7.32 has played
>>over 1500 auto232 games on my computer and has not lost one game on time yet.
>if somebody comes to me and says he has kissed 1500 girls, i would call
>him an idiot.
>it is not important that you kiss 1500, it is important to kiss the right
>girls. this seems to be a "philosophy" that is beyond your comprehension.
>hm. strange. i was never interested in kissing 1500 girls. or even on time.
>with a clock running in the background, giving me 2 hours to do the job.
>when i kiss my beloved girl i need as much time as it could be.
Your analogy is stupid.
>>quality which I appreciate since it's so easy to avoid.  I feel losing on time
>>is acceptable when you are losing anyway and spend your last few seconds looking
>>for a way to save the game.  Question.  Why are you interested in making the
>>program stronger if you are willing to lose on time? Strength is measured in
>>win/loss records.
>not for me.
>beaty of a girl is measured in what ? results ?
>for me chess and love and girls - all is the same. quality is quality.
>whereever you recognize it. you cannot substitute quality by quantity.
>>  There is no other way I know of.
>>  Simple statistics.
>:-)) thought so. what a pity for you.
>> If you
>>beat me more than I beat you then you are stronger than me.  If I beat you more
>>than you beat me but you claim it's only because I expected you to play
>>according to the time controls then your claim is dubious at best.  Maybe the
>>clocks should be removed from the GUI to remove all pretense of trying to play
>>within time limits.  You could advertise this fact so that customers who wanted
>>this feature would be pleased and rush to buy the program.
>>Maybe I should explain that I spent the last 15 years of my career in Quality
>>Assurance.  I've developed a bad habbit of nit picking.  It comes from too many
>>of the Deming seminars I think. :-)
>guess so :-))
>>Well we simply have a different philosophy on the area of computer chess.
>>Perhaps I'm in the minority, it wouldn't be the first time.
>i am sure you are in the majority. but beeing in the majority
>does not say us anything to the quality of the point of view :-))

Neither does being in the minority.  But it could indicate you are out of touch
with the norm in society.  Prisons are full of these type of people.

>>>>Jim Walker

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