Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Hashing and draw by repetition

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 13:09:21 08/27/99

Go up one level in this thread

On August 27, 1999 at 15:36:23, KarinsDad wrote:

>On August 27, 1999 at 13:24:00, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On August 27, 1999 at 11:47:16, KarinsDad wrote:
>>>>There is one serious error associated with hashing:  lack of path information.
>>>I don't have that problem. I have a list of parents in each hash node. However,
>>>this has the detriment of forcing me to back scores up all parent paths and the
>>>detriment of increasing the size of a hash node. You want to hear the music, you
>>>have to pay the piper.
>>>KarinsDad :)
>>I'm not sure what you mean by "a list of parents" unless you mean "parent
>>positions".  Which means you miss a lot of transpositions...  IE there are
>>lots of ways to reach the same position without having the same position at
>>the previous move...
>>Did I misunderstand?
>I have a list of pointers to all other parent hash nodes found so far in the
>search which corresponded to this position. Therefore, I can back scores up the
>graph. So, in the position below, the last move could have been Nf3 or it could
>have been Nc3, but if the search engine found both of the two standard paths to
>this position, then it would have a pointer back to both parent positions. And
>the score gets backed up to both previous possible parent positions where one of
>the knights is on it original square (and yes, I realize that this position can
>be reached via a series of knight moves for white and knight and bishop moves
>for black, so there could be more than 2 pointers to previous positions).
>r n b q k b n r
>p p p p p p = p
>- = - = - = p =
>= - = - = - = -
>- = - = - = - =
>= - N - = N = -
>P P P P P P P P
>R - B Q K B = R
>Whenever the search engine finds a position in the hash table, it determines if
>a path from the current position to that position is in the list of pointers. If
>not, it is added. If so, then it means that this path has been searched before.
>Actually, there is a correspondence between moves and children pointers (see
>below), so I do not have to go to the hash table to figure this out. Everytime I
>go to the hash table, it is because I have not searched this move before from
>this position.
>I also have a list of children pointers in the hash table. So, when I remove
>nodes from the hash table, I use the children pointers to remove the parent
>pointers inside the child nodes (and potentially remove the child node itself
>and possibly it's children if this is the only parent to that child). Since it
>could require quite a bit of re-searching of the hash table to find all
>children, grandchildren, etc., it was just easier to suck up the space for the
>children pointers to speed up removal (this is the real memory hog, not the
>parent pointers, I might remove this in order to double the number of nodes in
>my hash table).
>The main detriment of this technique is that you could have a potential 200 or
>more bytes per hash node (in situations where you do not get cutoffs) due to
>having 4 bytes per child or parent more. This gets costly space-wise. It forces
>me to be smart about removing nodes (which I don't think I am yet).
>KarinsDad :)

Not to mention the fact that you have to have a hash table big enough so that
entries don't get overwritten?  My xeon has 512mb, but that isn't _near_ enough
to guarantee that I can keep everything...

Sounds like overkill that will really slow you down, for minimal gain...  but
it is worth experimenting with...

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