Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Moderation: Thorsten's Post Deletion

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 16:23:41 08/30/99

Go up one level in this thread

On August 30, 1999 at 19:09:18, Fernando Villegas wrote:

>Probably because languages problems, it seems I did not express clearly my point
>and /or you did not understand it well. My point is not so much related to
>moderator behaviour and moderation rules, about what I have already made my
>statements before, and you know it. My point goes to the climate of
>righteousness that has been growing and that manifest itself in showers of post
>claiming deletions. I scarcely open this page every day without seeing some
>member claiming with many !!!! about that or this post that should be deleted. I
>know that those demands are not automatically accepted, althought some are. What
>is bad is the sheer number and aumentation of them. Is like the sensitivity to
>some issues considered insulting or whatever is growing instead of diminishing,
>as happens in any sane group, where people develops tolerance on the ground of
>mutual knowledge and patience. And, if you let me put an explanation, this is
>the necesary result of what has happened before.
Well, people post what they will.  If it is "delete this" or "remove that" it
really should be handled by the moderator form [IMO-YMMV] but I am not one who
should dictate something that is topical, and discussion of topicality is

>The signal has been: off topic
>material, etc must go. Another signal has been: any guy feeling insulted has a
>good chance to get the deletions of the post he considered so.
And such issues are worth discussing.  Steven wants them preceded with a
[MODERATOR] signal in the title, and that has not always been done, but there it

>Respect to the chance to go to R. G. C. C, I am sure you know that just to show
>the exit door to everybody that does not like how things are going here is not
>fair. I like this place -still I do- and so I have some right to want it to be
>more congenial with my feelings. Of course others do the same , BUT I do not say
>them "go to another place".
I am not saying that people must jump to another place.  I put it forward as an
alternative to show something:  We are not limited in our freedom of expression.
 In fact, I think also that r.g.c.c. is undergoing some kind of resurgence right
now, because the flamers have taken a hike for some reason.  Or maybe my
killfile has just filtered all of them out.

I also like this forum.  In fact, the only reason I agreed to serve as a
moderator is because I eat the bread, so I should bake if asked to take a turn.
The fact that I am serving as a moderator is concrete proof that not enough
people are willing to run, which is very sad.  I give you a formal salute for
being willing to run for the position.

As always, I enjoy our exchanges.  With warm love, - Dann.

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