Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Suggestion for an interesting tournament - Volunteers needed

Author: Chris Taylor

Date: 10:31:45 09/19/99

Go up one level in this thread

On September 18, 1999 at 22:49:20, Christophe Theron wrote:

>On September 18, 1999 at 20:54:46, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On September 18, 1999 at 17:01:28, blass uri wrote:
>>>On September 18, 1999 at 15:40:08, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>On September 18, 1999 at 11:42:38, blass uri wrote:
>>>>>On September 18, 1999 at 10:01:04, Masciulli Gianluigi wrote:
>>>>>>I was reading an article by prof. Giovanni Righini (university of Milan) titled
>>>>>>"L'eredita' di Deep blue" on the italian chess monthly "Scacco!"
>>>>>>I almost falled from my chair when i red:
>>>>>>E' da anni che il software scacchistico non migliora piu'
>>>>>>(trad. No step forward in chess software in the last years)
>>>>>>I want say that Righini is one of best italian expert in CC, and he in the
>>>>>>article esplain that the progress in the last years is mainly by hardware.
>>>>>>So I don't want to contest anything to prof. Righini but im just puzled in
>>>>>>this may be true or not.
>>>>>It is not truth that there is no step forward in chess software in the last
>>>>>There are always new and better programs.
>>>>>Genius3 was the best program some years ago and Genius did no step or almost no
>>>>>step forward but other programmers did steps forwards and now their programs are
>>>>>clearly better relative to the past.
>>>>>Junior5 is clearly better than Junior4.6 and the next version of Junior is going
>>>>>to be clearly better than Junior5
>>>>>The same is for Hiarcs7.32 relative to Hiarcs6.
>>>>but the improvements are definitely _driven_ by hardware advances.  Go run
>>>>the latest hiarcs on your old 386 against Genius 2 and see what happens...
>>>I think that before 1997 the main improvements were hardware improvement
>>>because the best commercial program in 1994-1997 was genius and there was no
>>>significant improvement in genius.
>>>I think that in the last 2 years half of the improvement is hardware and half of
>>>the improvement is software.
>>>I guess that if you give the best commercial program of today(probably
>>>Hiarcs7.32) the hardware of 2 years ago(PII300 the hardware of many participants
>>>in WMCCC) and play it in 40 moves/2 hours against the best program of 2 years
>>>ago on pIII550 the result will be close to equal.
>>I wouldn't disagree... but if you back the hardware up a couple more years,
>>Hiarcs will get into trouble.. because it will be searching so shallowly, its
>>positional skills won't be enough to fend off programs like genius...
>>Faster hardware has let us add things to the programs and maintain some minimum
>>search depth, things that we couldn't do on slower hardware because the depth
>>would drop enough that we would get killed tactically...
>I think a tournament on slow hardware (386-16 to 386-40, or 486 <=33MHz)
>including top programs of the early 90s and programs of today would be very
>interesting. We could amongst other things see if there have been really no
>advances in software in the last 10 years.
>It looks like we have a lot of people out there ready to organize "at home"
>computer tournaments. It shouldn't be very hard to find 2 (or even one) 386, or
>even one slow 486, and let programs play on this hardware.
>My bet is that the results would be much more interesting -and maybe more
>surprising- that the Xth tournament between Fritz5.32, Hiarcs7.32, whatever7.32,
>and so on.
>Volunteers are welcome! I'll be glad to provide you with the latest Tiger for
>this event!
>    Christophe
>>IE crafty plays _badly_ on very slow hardware when compared to programs like
>>genius on the same hardware.  On fast hardware it does just fine...  All
>>because of the basic assumptions I make in my search, and the things I do in
>>the eval...

I can get my hands on a 486DX66 with 16 meg ram 400meg hard drive
If this is what you want, i will play it against one of my faster machines?  Or
just test out nps or epd or???????????
It used to play a good game with Genius 2,3,5.  Any of these, wow just
remembered Fritz 1,2,3.  And I think I still have a copy of Early Hiarcs?
Wow  my memory is remembering old progs. How about Colossus, still got that on
disk!  Is there enough oldies but goodies here for you??

Excuse me i have remembered where colossus is and I am going to put it on the
amd 400, it should be a blast.  I first ran this on a sinclair spectrm 48k at
2Mhz  It used to blast thru 170 positions a second, give or take a bit?
Infact still got the speccy?  Boy, that is old

Chris Taylor

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