Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Chess Partner Revisited

Author: Laurence Chen

Date: 20:05:24 10/31/99

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On October 31, 1999 at 21:43:47, James T. Walker wrote:

>On October 31, 1999 at 16:03:34, Fernando Villegas wrote:
>>I was not happy to know CP was going to be the home of Rebel-Windows incarnation
>>and so I told here time ago, but I have paid a new visit to the page where Cp
>>lives and I downloaded again the program- a somewhat improved version- and I can
>>say now that I do not see it anymore as so a bad flesh for Tiger 12. The program
>>in itself, not being that weak, certainly is enough weak to get from it that
>>special pleasure people like me, under 2200 and just above 2100, can get playing
>>an even opponent without the humiliating task of crippling him before in a way
>>or another. Respect to the GUI, it could be better and the analysis function let
>>a lot to desire, but adding and substracting it is fair enough. I Hope the first
>>screen will be imroved as much by now seems to be the first screen of a CGA kind
>>of screen of a 1980 arcade game. Nevertheless my curiosity about Tiger 12, the
>>probable new darling here, grows each day. So, Monsieurs Theron, go ahead
>>without hesitation...
>Hello Fernando,
>I'd like to know how you got a second chance at CP?  I downloaded it when I
>first heard that Rebel would be ported to it.  It was terrible and I made
>several comments/suggestions.  My 30 days expired so I could not make any more
>comments.  I tried last week to download it again because of the fact that Chess
>Tiger is about to be released and I wanted to see if any improvements were made.
> When I tried to run it,I got the message my 30 days was expired.  So I deleted
>it again.
>Jim Walker
Well James all I can say that unless you a Windows Registry Guru, you are almost
out of luck. The only advice I can give is to go through the registry and delete
and traces of Chess Patner in the registry. Just uninstalling will not remove
all the program traces, especially in the registry. The type of copy protection
which CP used was to create a key in the registry which the program would check
and increment as each day went by, until the 30 days were completed. So unless
you can find this hidden key in the registry, you won't be able to install
another version of CP. A second solution, and this is a very extreme solution is
to format C, and re-install Windows, and all your software back without the CP.
Then make a backup of the registry. This backup will allow you to restore your
registry to the way it was should CP make any changes during installation. I
don't know of any other solution. Sorry.

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