Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Murray Campbell article on Deep Blue in latest CACM

Author: James Swafford

Date: 17:49:45 11/06/99

Go up one level in this thread

On November 06, 1999 at 20:04:27, Rajen Gupta wrote:

>I do not know why such a big fuss is made about ''how ''deep blue makes its
>moves or whatever-after all its just a supercomputer powered by hundreds of
>regular powerpc chips with the added bonus of having an additional few hundreds
>of chips specially optimised to do chess calculations together with an analysed
>database of every single gm game ever played on this planet.
>it is no surprise that it should play so well-the greatest surprise is that
>unlike a true sportsman it refused to give its opponent a return match or allow
>its opponent to play a few test games with it beforehand-but then ibm have never
>been sportsmen.

This has been discussed *many* times before.  IBM is a business.
DB was just a tool that has served its purpose.

>Any of the current chess programmers would have beaten the butts of deepblue if
>they had the facility to port their programmes to the hardware that db was
>running on

Strong words.

>deep blue is everything to do with hardware and nothing to do with the software.

Please elaborate.  I don't know anything about DB's 'software'.
Are you privy to some information the rest of us aren't?
I'd like you to back that one up....

>i also doubt if Hsu or anyone else from the db project is ever going to come out
>with this so-called superchip!


>rajen gupta

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