Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: IBM's latest monster

Author: Pete R.

Date: 09:42:03 12/06/99

IBM announced plans to develop a machine 1000 times more powerful than Deep
Blue, to be used to model protein folding.  Now the comparison to DB is a bit
artificial since DB used custom chess chips.  This new one ("Blue Gene") will
have a million+ processors and perform a quadrillion operations per second.  The
question is, if IBM made a similar investment in a new chess monster, how much
stronger than DB2 would it be in chess terms?  A thousand fold increase would be
what, an additional 6 ply search in the same time?  What ply depth would it
typically get to in 3 minutes?  20+? If it had a million of Hsu's latest
processors it might even be more than a 1000 fold increase.  Just musing.  I
think IBM could easily build a machine that would retain the World Champ title
against humans indefinitely.

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